Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the magazine story character. You may be looking for the series.

"I shall always remember my time on Sodor, Because this is the place where my bad luck changed into good!"
― Thirteen[src]

Thirteen is a dark grey open-cab saddle tank engine from the Mainland.


Thirteen was a spare engine from the Mainland and was brought to help Donald and Douglas, who were feeling overworked. When he first arrived, he proved to be very unlucky. He caused delays for Donald and Douglas, got hit by a land-slide, and then damaged his firebox which got knocked out of place. Sir Topham Hatt sent him to the works, and Donald and Douglas thought that would be the end of him.

However, after his repairs he came back to Sodor with a bigger firebox which cured his unluckiness. He told Donald and Douglas that he came to Sodor as an unlucky engine, but returned to the Mainland as a very lucky one. He now works there happily, feeling a lot more confident about himself.


Thirteen was a rather unlucky engine. Despite his unluckiness, he did his best to help out Donald and Douglas although his bad luck soon gets the better of him and the twins. After his repairs, he had a bigger firebox which cured his unluckiness, and he returned to the Mainland as a very lucky engine.

Technical Details


Thirteen is a freelance design with no real world basis.


Thirteen is painted dark grey with red lining. He has a red and yellow numberplate with the number "13" he is named after painted on each side of his saddle tank. His running board is also painted red.



  • His name originates from the superstition that the number 13 is unlucky.
  • He shares a similarity to Henry, to which he once contained a small firebox causing unlucky steaming troubles, caught himself in a terrible accident, and was later rebuilt/repaired with a bigger, functioning firebox.

