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For other uses, see Thomas' Christmas Party (disambiguation).
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Thomas' Christmas Party and 17 Other Stories is a UK VHS release. It features two first series episodes and nine second series episodes narrated by Ringo Starr and seven third series episodes narrated by Michael Angelis. It was released on VHS and DVD in Norway under the title Thomas Celebrates Christmas (Norwegian: Thomas feirer jul) with episodes narrated by Trine Lossius Borg.



Join the Christmas celebration with Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends. In ninety minutes, you can enjoy eighteen episodes where you meet the famous and precious engine.

Thomas is a little engine but he is quick and cheeky. He lives at the railway station on the Island of Sodor. He has to share the engine shed with some bigger engines - Gordon, Edward, Henry, James and Toby. But no one works as hard as Thomas or so he says. That's why he likes to tease the others when they sigh and complain: "I get no rest, I get no rest!"



  1. Thomas' Christmas Party - Thomas and his friends say 'thank you' to a nice old lady and everyone has a very happy Christmas.
  2. Thomas, Terence and the Snow - The day comes when Thomas is very glad to have Terence around.
  3. Percy and Harold - Harold the Helicopter is being a nuisance. Percy and his driver surprise him.
  4. Dirty Work - Diesel is sulking and decides to make trouble.
  5. Better Late than Never - Delays make life difficult for Thomas.
  6. Cows - Edward has an accident. Gordon and Henry tease him, but Edward has the last laugh.
  7. Bertie's Chase - Dashing Bertie races to the rescue.
  8. Duck Takes Charge - Percy is pleased when a new engine called Duck arrives.
  9. The Deputation - When Donald and Douglas come to Henry's rescue, the other engines give their full support.
  10. Daisy - The Fat Controller sends for Daisy, a diesel rail-car, to help run his Railway.
  11. Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree - The Fat Controller is planning a big celebration, but Thomas goes missing on an important mission.
  12. A Scarf for Percy - Percy dreams of a warm scarf around his funnel to keep out the winter winds.
  13. Donald's Duck - Duck makes a new friend.
  14. Henry's Forest - Henry's favourite place in the forest. He is very sad when a storm damages the trees.
  15. No Joke for James - James plays a trick on Gordon.
  16. Buzz, Buzz - James boasts about his bravery, but when a swarm of bees start swarming around him he wishes they would get back to making honey.
  17. Oliver Owns Up - Oliver learns that Trucks can be troublesome.
  18. Thomas and Percy's Christmas Adventure - The snowfalls have come, villagers are stranded. Harold, Terence, Thomas and Percy come to the rescue.

Norway (1995 VHS)

  1. Thomas, Terence og snøen (Thomas, Terence and the Snow)
  2. Den flyvende laks (The Flying Kipper)
  3. Daisy
  4. Tvilling-lokomotivene (The Diseasel)
  5. Trøbbel i lokomotivstallen (Trouble in the Shed)
  6. Kuer (Cows)
  7. Gammelt skrapjern (Old Iron)
  8. Percy i knipa (Percy's Predicament)
  9. Edwards store dåd (Edward's Exploit)
  10. Spøkelsestoget (Ghost Train)
  11. Juleselskapet til Thomas (Thomas' Christmas Party)
  12. Ulne bjørn (Woolly Bear)
  13. Toby og den fyldige herren (Toby and the Stout Gentleman)
  14. Tog på avveie (The Runaway)
  15. På ville veier (Wrong Road)
  16. Nære på (A Close Shave)
  17. Bedre sent enn aldri (Better Late than Never)
  18. Thomas og det bortkomne juletreet (Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree)

Norway (1997 VHS/2002 DVD)

  1. Juleselskapet til Thomas (Thomas' Christmas Party)
  2. Thomas, Terence og snøen (Thomas, Terence and the Snow)
  3. Percy og Harold (Percy and Harold)
  4. Bakvaskelser (Dirty Work)
  5. Bedre sent enn aldri (Better Late than Never)
  6. Kuer (Cows)
  7. En venn i nøden (Bertie's Chase)
  8. Duck klarer brasene (Duck Takes Charge)
  9. Deputasjoner (The Deputation)
  10. Daisy
  11. Thomas og det bortkomne juletreet (Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree)
  12. Et skjerf til Percy (A Scarf for Percy)
  13. Donalds and (Donald's Duck)
  14. Skogen til Henry (Henry's Forest)
  15. Ingen spøk for James (No Joke for James)
  16. James og biene (Buzz, Buzz)
  17. Oliver blir klokere (Oliver Owns Up)
  18. Thomas og Percys juleeventyr (Thomas and Percy's Christmas Adventure)


  • Although Cows is an even-numbered episode, the credits are from Duck Takes Charge, which comes after Bertie's Chase.
  • A copy of the VHS was signed by Ringo Starr in 1996. It was discovered on eBay in November 2019.
  • When the Norwegian VHS was originally released in December 1995, it featured different episodes from the UK VHS, as the third series had not been dubbed into Norwegian at that time. The VHS was later re-released in 1997 featuring the same episodes as the UK VHS, though in a different order.
  • On the early Norwegian VHS, Trouble in the Shed, Toby and the Stout Gentleman and Thomas' Christmas Party are grouped with the second series episodes.
  • On the Norwegian DVD Episode Selection menu, the image from Bertie's Chase is mirrored.


  • On the back cover of the UK VHS, Junior Campbell's name is misnamed as "Cambell."
  • On the Norwegian releases, the description says that Toby is bigger than Thomas and that he lives at Tidmouth Sheds.