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"James, I think trucks like to be useful, rather than clean!"
― Thomas teasing James

Thomas' New Trucks is the nineteenth episode of the ninth series.


Thomas is shunting at Brendam Docks, but his trucks are old and rusty. He is initially jealous when he sees that James has received brand new blue trucks, but is soon delighted when told his trucks are too old to use and he will have to use new ones.

At Brendam the next day, Thomas shows off his new green trucks. Bill and Ben even compliment his trucks by saying they are much nicer than James'. Thomas and James become competitive about keeping their trucks clean, but at the quarry, Thomas' trucks roll backwards and get covered in dust, much to Thomas' fury. Thomas orders his trucks to behave, but they ignore him and get Thomas and themselves showered in coal, much to his anger.

That evening at the washdown, James laughs that Thomas will never win, infuriating Thomas. But the next day, Thomas realises that if he uses his old trucks, he will not have to worry about getting them dirty. Thomas collects some coal and sets off, but on the way a coupling breaks and Thomas goes ahead of the trucks. He stops too soon, and the trucks crash into him and are smashed to pieces, flinging coal everywhere.

Harvey (equipped with a claw) brings with him the Fat Controller who reprimands Thomas for bringing his old trucks. Soon, Harvey and the workmen clear up the mess, Thomas collects his new trucks and has the coal loaded into them and arrives at Brendam without the trucks making any trouble. Thomas soon realises that his new trucks prefer to be useful than clean. James gloats his victory, but then his trucks keep him from pulling away; they now do not want to be clean anymore. Cranky's chain snaps and James is hit by a falling crate of melons and is laughed at by all the trucks. Thomas tells James that trucks prefer to be useful than clean, and the trucks giggle in agreement.





  • Throughout the episode, both Thomas and James' trucks keep gaining and losing their faces and their eyes are also misaligned.
  • When Thomas is shunting his old trucks at the start of the episode, the narrator says he is at the yard. This is incorrect, as Thomas is actually shown to be at Brendam Docks.
  • At Brendam Docks, both Thomas and James' trucks are coupled together in most scenes, but in the close up and several scenes, the trucks are uncoupled to show their faces.
  • When Thomas collects his new trucks, the background to the left (perspective right) appears to be misplaced and tilted.
  • In the widescreen version, when Thomas' trucks become mischievous at the quarry, there are two trucks behind him instead of one truck, most likely being filmed after they rolled backwards.
  • When Thomas sets off to the Coaling Plant, his first four trucks are dirty, but are clean in the next scene.
  • When Thomas gets covered in coal dust, his steam platform can be seen in front of him.
  • When Thomas and James meet at the washdown, they have swapped trucks.
  • The brakes sound is heard when Thomas applies his brakes, even though he brakes normally.
  • Thomas's siderods change position when his old trucks crash into him.
  • Thomas' face is crooked when puffing away with his new trucks after Harvey loads them with coal.
  • In the close up Cranky:
    • He is smiling when his cable breaks.
    • His face is slightly crooked.
    • His eyes are misaligned.
  • When the melon crate falls on James, his trucks are shown to be messy too, even though the crate is only shown to hit James and not them. Additionally, the handrails on James' close-up model fell off upon being stuck by the melons.


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Arabic ‏‏عرابات توماس الجديدة
Brazilian Portuguese Os Novos Vagões de Thomas
Chinese Mandarin 托马斯的新货车
Croatian Tomičini Novi Vagoni
Czech Tomášovy Nové Vagónky
Danish Thomas' Nye Vogne
Dutch Thomas Krijgt Nieuwe Wagons
French Les Camions Neufs d'Thomas
Les Nouveau Camions de Thomas
Les Nouveaux Wagons
German Thomas bekommt neue Waggons
Greek Τα καινούρια βαγόνια του Τόμας
Hungarian Thomas Új Vagonjai
Italian I Nuovi Vagoni di Thomas
Japanese トーマスのあたらしいかしゃ
Korean 새 짐차 소등
Latin American Spanish Los Nuevos Furgones de Thomas
Norwegian Thomas Får Nye Vogner
Polish Nowe Wagony Tomka
Portuguese Os Vagões Novos de Thomas
Romanian Nolie Vagoane ale lui Thomas
Russian Новые вагоны Томаса
Scottish Gaelic Na Trugaichean Ura
Spanish Los Nuevos Vagones de Thomas
Swedish Thomas' Nya Vagnar
Turkish Thomas'ın Yeni Kamyonları

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