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This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the 2006 magazine story, the 2005 magazine story or the Indian DVD.
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"You should say sorry for bossing me about."
am sorry... sorry you didn't listen to me."
― Thomas and Emily

Thomas, Emily and the Snowplough is the eighth episode of the eighth series.


It is winter, and on Thomas' Branch Line, Thomas is doing a good job, but Emily does not think the same, so she decides to "help" Thomas by telling him what he is doing wrong. First, she tells him to slow down when he passes her at the coal tipper and tells him not to talk to children when he takes on more water, as they are; by her words: "making him late". This annoys Thomas as seeing that Emily is trying to help, but he thinks that she is being too bossy, and Annie and Clarabel agree; he decides to ignore her from this point on.

The following morning, Thomas sets off early for the quarry to take stone trucks to the docks. However, when the Fat Controller arrives to report that heavy snow is coming and all the engines must wear snowploughs, Emily points out that Thomas is already working and does not know about the oncoming bad weather. Agreeing with Emily, the Fat Controller asks her to tell Thomas that he wants him to get his snowplough fitted. Once her snowplough is fitted, Emily sets off to find Thomas, eager to tell him what to do.

Thomas is taking on water at Maithwaite with trucks for the quarry, when Emily arrives and tells him twice that he must get his snowplough fitted (much to Thomas’ anger), but forgets to mention that the Fat Controller says so. Thomas ignores Emily on purpose, seeing this once again as nagging and thinks that the weather is fine, making him very cross. After delivering trucks to the quarry, Thomas sets off for the dairy to collect cream. However, clouds quickly build up and snow starts falling, making Thomas' journey very difficult. Soon, the snow builds up and Thomas gets stuck in a snowdrift by a signal box. Thomas feels miserable whilst the snow builds up around him until he hears a whistle - only to discover that Emily has come to his rescue. But upon arrival, Emily scolds Thomas for not listening to her and Thomas is still very cross and demands that Emily should apologise for bossing him around, but she only cares about one thing: he did not listen to her.

Upon their return to Tidmouth Sheds, the Fat Controller scolds Thomas about not listening to his orders, making Thomas feel bad as he did not know it was the Fat Controller who actually wanted him to wear his snowplough. Emily owns up as she forgot to tell Thomas that it was the Fat Controller's orders about the snowplough. Shocked and angry that both engines were not listening to him, the Fat Controller orders Emily to help Thomas get his snowplough fitted at once. With his snowplough fitted at last, Thomas thanks Emily for owning up to her mistake and they both agree to listen to each other from now on.




  • Going by production order, this is the seventh episode of the eighth series.
  • On the Nick Jr. UK airing, the music starts a few seconds later for the whole episode.
  • In the individual version of the episode, the last bit of music at the end is omitted.
  • In a deleted scene, Emily approaches the snow bank Thomas is in from the opposite direction, and she is smiling and taking interest in seeing the funny side of Thomas inside the snow bank, much to Thomas' dismay.
  • Abi Grant has mentioned on her website that this was her favourite Emily-centered episode.[1]
  • This episode marks the last time Thomas’ angry face is used in the majority of an episode.
  • This episode marked the first of a few things:
  • When Emily informs the Fat Controller that Thomas has already gone to the quarry, the background shunting noise from the fourth to seventh series is heard.


  • At the quarry, the track in the background leads into bushes.
  • When Emily sees Thomas is stuck in the snow and stops, her wheels slip briefly afterward.



  • Thomas: I am never ever going to listen to Emily ever again. So there!


  • Thomas: She just wants to boss me again. (Thomas seeing Emily coming)
  • Emily: Thomas, you must go and get your snowplough fitted!
  • Narrator: Thomas could hear what Emily was saying, but pretended he couldn't. He thought he was being very clever. (Emily blows her whistle) So Emily tooted even louder again.
  • Emily: You must go and get your snowplough fitted!
  • Thomas: Bother snowploughs and bother Emily! Anyway the weather is perfectly fine! (leaves Maithwaite station)


  • Emily: I told you to go and get your snowplough! Now looks what's happened!
  • Thomas: You should say sorry for bossing me about!
  • Emily: I am sorry... sorry you didn't listen to me!


  • The Fat Controller: Emily, you must take Thomas to get his snowplough fitted at once. Thomas, you must learn to listen.
  • Emily: I'm sorry, sir, I forgot to tell Thomas it was your idea.
  • The Fat Controller: You mean I have two engines who don't listen? Well, I never.

In Other Languages

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Language Title
Arabic توماس ، إميلي والثلج
Brazilian Portuguese Thomas, Emily e o Limpador de Neve
Chinese Mandarin 托马斯 艾蜜莉和扫雪机
Croatian Tomica, Ema i Ralica za Snijeg
Czech Tomáš, Emily a Sněžný Pluh
Danish Thomas, Emily og Sneploven
Dutch Thomas, Emily en de Sneeuwschuiver
Finnish Tuomas, Emilia ja Lumiaura
French Thomas et le Chasse-Niege
German Thomas, Emily und der Schneepflug
Hebrew תומס, אמילי ומפלסת השלג
Hungarian Thomas, Emily és a Hóeke
Italian Thomas, Emily e lo Spartineve
Japanese トーマスとエミリーとゆきかき
Korean 토마스와 에밀리
Norwegian Thomas, Emily og Snøplogen
Polish Tomek, Emilka i Pług Śnieżny
Romanian Thomas, Emily și Plugul de Zăpadă
Russian Томас, Эмили и снегоочиститель
Scottish Gaelic Tomas, Oighrig Agus an Crann Sneachda
Serbian Tomas, Emilija i Snežni Plug
Spanish Thomas, Emily y el Quitanieves
Swedish Thomas, Emily och Snöplogen

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