Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
For other uses, see Thomas, Percy and the Post Train (disambiguation).
For other uses, see Thomas, Percy and the Dragon (disambiguation).
For other uses, see Rock 'n' Roll (disambiguation).
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Thomas, Percy and the Post Train (Norwegian: Thomas, Percy og posttoget) is a 1996 Norwegian VHS featuring eleven third series episodes narrated by Trine Lossius Borg. It was released on VHS in Sweden in 2001 under the title Thomas, Percy and the Dragon with episodes narrated by Håkan Mohede. It was also released on VHS and DVD in Finland in 2003 under that same title with episodes narrated by Aku Laitinen.

When released on DVD in Sweden in 2002, it was titled Thomas, Percy and the Dragon and Rock 'n' Roll (Swedish: Thomas, Percy och draken och Rock 'n' Roll), featuring an additional third series episode and ten fourth series episodes seen on the Rock 'n' Roll Swedish VHS.



Filmene om "Lokomotivet Thomas og vennene hans" bygger på en bestselger innen britisk barnelitteratur. Serien er mottatt med storm i hele verden, ikke minst i Norge hvor Thomas har hatt kjempesuksess på Barne-TV! Her møter du igjen Lokomotivet Thomas og alle hans venner i nye episoder:

English Translation

The films about "Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends" are based on a bestseller in British children's literature. The series has been received by storm all over the world, not least in Norway, where Thomas has been a huge success on children's TV! Here you meet Thomas the Tank Engine and all his friends again in new episodes:


Thomas Tåget och hans vänner bygger på en storsäljare inom brittisk barnlitteratur. Serien har mottagits med storm över hela världen. Nu kan du se Thomas Tåget och hans vänner på film gång på gång!

English Translation

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends is based on a bestseller in British children's literature. The series has been received by storm all over the world. Now you can watch Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends on film again and again!



  1. Gordon og den berømte gjesten (Gordon and the Famous Visitor)
  2. Donalds and (Donald's Duck)
  3. Thomas blir hektet av (Thomas Gets Bumped)
  4. Thomas, Percy og dragen (Thomas, Percy and the Dragon)
  5. Diesel gjør det igjen (Diesel Does It Again)
  6. Skogen til Henry (Henry's Forest)
  7. Vanskelig søle (The Trouble with Mud)
  8. Ingen spøk for James (No Joke for James)
  9. Thomas, Percy og posttoget (Thomas, Percy and the Post Train)
  10. Stol på Thomas (Trust Thomas)
  11. Mavis fra steinbruddet (Mavis)

2001 Swedish VHS

  1. Gordon och den berömda gästen (Gordon and the Famous Visitor) - A very important locomotive visits the railway yard. Everyone is excited, except Gordon, who doesn't like the new visitor.
  2. Donalds anka (Donald's Duck) - Duck has been given his very own route to work on. There he finds a new friend in Donald.
  3. Thomas blir avhängd (Thomas Gets Bumped) - Bertie helps out while Thomas waits for new rails for his route. And it's not without Thomas getting a little jealous.
  4. Thomas, Percy och draken (Thomas, Percy and the Dragon) - Percy is terrified when he meets a large dragon. However, none of the other locomotives will believe him when he later tells them about the terrifying encounter.
  5. Diesel gör det igen (Diesel Does It Again) - Percy and Duck are furious when they see that Diesel has arrived at the harbour. Chaos ensues.
  6. Henrys skog (Henry's Forest) - Henry's favourite place is the forest, so guess how sad he is when a storm destroys all the trees.
  7. Leriga lok (The Trouble with Mud) - Gordon gets splashed with mud. He refuses to wash as he believes that every good locomotive should be muddy.
  8. James skämt (No Joke for James) - James plays a trick on George, which has worse consequences than James could have imagined.
  9. Thomas, Percy och Posttåget (Thomas, Percy and the Post Train) - Sometimes Thomas and Percy work all night long pulling the post train. Harold thinks he can do a much better job, but Thomas and Percy prove their worth.
  10. Lita på Thomas (Trust Thomas) - Bertie learns that he can trust a locomotive — especially if the locomotive's name is Thomas.
  11. Mavis från stenbrottet (Mavis) - Mavis is a young and inexperienced diesel locomotive who gets Toby into trouble. She has a lot to learn...

2002 Swedish DVD

  1. Gordon och den berömda gästen (Gordon and the Famous Visitor) - A very important locomotive visits the railway yard. Everyone is excited, except Gordon, who doesn't like the new visitor.
  2. Donalds anka (Donald's Duck) - Duck has been given his very own route to work on. There he finds a new friend in Donald.
  3. Thomas blir avhängd (Thomas Gets Bumped) - Bertie helps out while Thomas waits for new rails for his route. And it's not without Thomas getting a little jealous.
  4. Thomas, Percy och draken (Thomas, Percy and the Dragon) - Percy is terrified when he meets a large dragon. However, none of the other locomotives will believe him when he later tells them about the terrifying encounter.
  5. Diesel gör det igen (Diesel Does It Again) - Percy and Duck are furious when they see that Diesel has arrived at the harbour. Chaos ensues.
  6. Henrys skog (Henry's Forest) - Henry's favourite place is the forest, so guess how sad he is when a storm destroys all the trees.
  7. Leriga lok (The Trouble with Mud) - Gordon gets splashed with mud. He refuses to wash as he believes that every good locomotive should be muddy.
  8. James skämt (No Joke for James) - James plays a trick on George, which has worse consequences than James could have imagined.
  9. Thomas, Percy och Posttåget (Thomas, Percy and the Post Train) - Sometimes Thomas and Percy work all night long pulling the post train. Harold thinks he can do a much better job, but Thomas and Percy prove their worth.
  10. Lita på Thomas (Trust Thomas) - Bertie learns that he can trust a locomotive — especially if the locomotive's name is Thomas.
  11. Mavis från stenbrottet (Mavis) - Mavis is a young and inexperienced diesel locomotive who gets Toby into trouble. She has a lot to learn...
  12. Thomas och Percys juäventyr (Thomas and Percy's Christmas Adventure)
  13. Store-Tuff (Granpuff)
  14. Sjusovaren (Sleeping Beauty)
  15. Bulldoggen (Bulldog)
  16. Du vinner aldrig (You Can't Win)
  17. Fyra små lokomotiv (Four Little Engines)
  18. Sir Handels dåliga dag (A Bad Day for Sir Handel)
  19. Sir Peter och servitrisen (Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady)
  20. Godsvagnar (Trucks)
  21. Äntligen hemma (Home at Last)
  22. Rock 'n' Roll


  1. Jori ja kuuluisa vieras (Gordon and the Famous Visitor)
  2. Donaldin ankka (Donald's Duck)
  3. Tuomas menee raiteiltaan (Thomas Gets Bumped)
  4. Tuomas, Pekka ja lohikäärme (Thomas, Percy and the Dragon)
  5. Diesel iskee jälleen (Diesel Does It Again)
  6. Henrin metsä (Henry's Forest)
  7. Mutaa matkassa (The Trouble with Mud)
  8. Jaskan jekku (No Joke for James)
  9. Tuomas, Pekka ja postijuna (Thomas, Percy and the Post Train)
  10. Tuomakseen voi luottaa (Trust Thomas)
  11. Maija (Mavis)


  • This is the final VHS released in Finland.
  • On the 2002 Swedish DVD, the end credits of each episode are removed, except at the end of the DVD.
  • The Finnish DVD features both Finnish and Swedish as language options. The Finnish language option plays the 1998 remastered episodes, while the Swedish language option plays the 1992 masters. Each episode includes the end credits at the end of each episode.


  • Thomas' eyes are misaligned on the Norwegian front cover.
  • The Swedish description for No Joke for James on the back cover states that "James plays a trick on George", but George is not in that episode.

In Other Languages

Language Title
Finnish Tuomas, Pekka ja lohikäärme
Norwegian Thomas, Percy og posttoget
Swedish Thomas, Percy och draken (2001 VHS)
Thomas, Percy och draken och Rock 'n' Roll (2002 DVD)