Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

Thomas-Festival is a 1997 Norwegian VHS release featuring five first series episodes, four second series episodes and two third series episodes narrated by Trine Lossius Borg.


  1. Thomas og Gordon (Thomas and Gordon)
  2. Thomas og konduktøren (Thomas and the Guard)
  3. Thomas på fisketur (Thomas Goes Fishing)
  4. Thomas og Bertie (Thomas and Bertie)
  5. Thomas i trøbbel (Thomas in Trouble)
  6. Thomas, Percy og kullet (Thomas, Percy and the Coal)
  7. Thomas og Trevor (Thomas and Trevor)
  8. Thomas kommer til frokost (Thomas Comes to Breakfast)
  9. Thomas og det bortkomne juletreet (Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree)
  10. Thomas, Percy og dragen (Thomas, Percy and the Dragon)
  11. Stol på Thomas (Trust Thomas)



Title Cards
