Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

Thomas & Friends: Talk to You (also known as Thomas and You) was an interactive app for iOS and Android where the player can talk to Thomas and his friends through a series of eight stories. It was released in July 2015 but was discontinued in 2018. However, the Android version of this app has been backed up on a few external websites, such as APKMonk, and its .apk file can still be downloaded from there.


Parents permission

Before the game starts, it shows a screen with Sir Topham Hatt who explains that the game requires permission from parents in order to play. Parents have to enter their email address into a box, which sends them an email with a button to give permission. After that, the game goes into a tutorial and introduction with Thomas.

Up All Night

Thomas has a hard time sleeping due to the summer sun's brightness in the evening. After he, Percy and Emily talk for long enough, Emily asks the player to ask Thomas to be quiet for her so that she and Percy can get some sleep. The next day, Thomas is so tired that he needs the player to keep him up while he delivers petrol. Back at Tidmouth Sheds, everyone is back to sleep already, but Thomas doesn't want to make the same mistake again like the previous night, so he asks the player to count sheep, tell a story, or sing a song.

Brain Freeze

Thomas has to learn to speed up while delivering ice cream and learn to slow down while delivering dirty dishes during a hot summer day.

The Shape of Things

Thomas did not take note of what Sir Topham Hatt's new signs mean, so it's up to the player to tell him about the signs after he or she learns about them with Emily.

Bonus 1

The engines are planning a birthday party for Thomas, but they are trying to learn what to say first before he arrives. They ask the player to say "Surprise!" first when Thomas arrives, and the other engines also do it.

Mystery, Coming Through!

Thomas must find out who covered Percy in soot and confront him.

Something in the Wind

Thomas catches a kite, but he soon loses it, so he must find it with the player's help. Then, after a misunderstanding, Thomas must decide whether the player or Percy is his best friend.

The Junction

Thomas and James must learn to cooperate at a junction and learn to say they are sorry.

Bonus 2

Thomas decides to teach his friends about friendship, with the help of the player.







  • "Up All Night" is the only story that is available for free (unlocked by default) from the start. All the other stories have to be purchased (unlocked manually) via micropayment.
  • In some stories, one of the steam train brake sound effects is reused from the model series.
  • This app was only available in the US and the UK.
  • Throughout some of the stories, narrow gauge rolling stock scaled up is seen.
  • Before the game can be played, it requires parents to enter their email address to give permission since that is required to play ToyTalk games.


  • In "The Junction", Toby's buffers clip through his buffer housing.
  • In the UK version, the voice clips in one part of Thomas' conversation with Gordon in "Mystery Coming Through!" are out of sync.
  • In some beginning scenes of "Something in the Wind", if the kite lands on Thomas' whistle, his funnel is cracked when the kite flies away.
  • In "Mystery Coming Through", when the player guesses Emily, Thomas claims she is the Number 6 engine. However, Percy is Number 6, and Emily does not have a number until the twenty-fourth series.
  • In the US version of Birthday Surprise, Percy and Emily's voices weren't heard when they shouted surprise to Thomas.


