Thomas & Friends Classic Volume 1 is a streaming release available to view on Amazon Prime Video. Featuring all the restored episodes from the first series narrated by George Carlin, the release was made in May 2016.
All aboard the original Railway Series! Enjoy grand tales of railway engines with stories adapted from Rev W. Awdry's books. Go full steam ahead with Thomas and his friends as they shunt cars, haul freight and strive to be Really Useful Engines.
- Thomas Gets Tricked / Edward Helps Out
- Come Out, Henry! / Edward, Gordon and Henry (Henry to the Rescue)
- A Big Day for Thomas / Trouble for Thomas
- Thomas Saves the Day / James Learns a Lesson
- Foolish Freight Cars / A Proud Day for James
- Thomas and the Conductor / Thomas Goes Fishing
- Terence the Tractor / Thomas and Bertie's Great Race
- Tenders and Turntables / Trouble in the Shed
- Percy Runs Away / Henry's Special Coal
- The Flying Kipper / Whistles and Sneezes
- Toby the Tram Engine / Thomas Breaks the Rules
- James in a Mess / Gordon Takes a Dip
- Down the Mine / Thomas' Christmas Party
- This is the first time all of George Carlin's narrations from the first series have been brought together as a complete release. This was previously done with Ringo Starr's UK narrations in the DVD, The Early Years.
- Henry to the Rescue uses its UK title card.
- Towards the end of Thomas Gets Tricked, a brief extract of Ringo Starr's narration can be heard when Gordon stops at Wellsworth and Thomas goes back to the turntable. Specifically, Ringo is heard saying the line "At last, they stopped at a station. Thomas was uncoupled and he felt very silly and exhausted" instead of George.
- Trouble for Thomas is out of sync.