Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

Thomas & Friends Classic Volume 2 is a streaming release available to view on Amazon Instant video and Roku Kids. Featuring all the restored episodes from the second series narrated by George Carlin, the release was made on May 2016.


Ride the rails with Thomas and his friends. Thomas gets a little cheeky with Percy, as Duck has a close shave. Thomas comes to breakfast, while the engines see double with Bill and Ben. And Devious Diesel oils over to stir up trouble. Discover wonderful stories as you steam along with Thomas and Friends.


  1. Double Trouble / A Cow on the Line
  2. Bertie's ChaseSaved from Scrap
  3. Old Iron / A New Friend for Thomas
  4. Percy and the Signal / Duck Takes Charge
  5. Percy Proves a Point / The Runaway
  6. Percy Takes the Plunge / Pop Goes the Diesel
  7. Diesel's Devious Deed / A Close Shave
  8. Better Late Than Never / Donald and Douglas
  9. The DeputationThomas Comes to Breakfast
  10. Daisy / Percy's Predicament
  11. The Diseasel / Wrong Road
  12. Edward's Exploit / Percy's Ghostly Trick
  13. Woolly BearThomas and the Missing Christmas Tree


  • This release features the entire second series restored for the first time in the US.
  • A Close Shave for Duck uses its original UK title card.
  • As of 2024, only 10 episodes are available on Roku Kids


  • The captions for The Deputation mistakenly refer to Henry as James when he is calling for help while stuck in the snowbank.

