Thomas and Friends Five Specials Set (토마스와 친구들 5종 세트) are Korean DVDs featuring twenty episodes from thirteenth series.
Vol. 1[]
- Creaky Cranky - 삐걱대는 크랭키
- The Lion of Sodor - 소도어의 사자
- Tickled Pink - 기쁜 제임스
- Slippy Sodor - 미끄러운 소도어
Vol. 2[]
- The Early Bird - 부지런한 토마스
- Play Time - 재밌게 놀자!
- Thomas and the Pigs - 토마스와 아기 돼지
- Time for a Story - 특별한 피크닉
Vol. 3[]
- Percy's Parcel - 퍼시의 소포
- Toby's New Whistle - 토비의 새 기적
- A Blooming Mess - 에밀리와 꽃
- Thomas and the Runaway Kite - 토마스와 달아난 연
Vol. 4[]
- Steamy Sodor - 토마스의 새 임무
- Splish Splash Splosh - 신나는 물장난
- The Biggest Present of All - 토마스의 특별한 선물
- Snow Tracks - 눈 덮인 기찻길
Vol. 5[]
- Henry's Good Deeds - 헨리의 선행
- Buzzy Bees - 토마스와 벌
- Hiro Helps Out - 히로의 도움
- Double Trouble - 쌍둥이 사장님
- This DVD has five discs for all of the episodes.
- The episodes are not listed in the correct order for each DVD set.
- This DVD has the original UK English dubs, subtitles and Korean subtitles however, it does not have the official Korean dubs on this DVD package.
- This DVD was the last to be released on DVD in South Korea.
- The Korean dub did not translate the line "Express coming through" in the episode Tickled Pink.