Thomas and His Friends Vol. 3 is a German VHS release featuring six episodes from the first series and four episodes from the second series.
- Toby und der elegante Herr (Toby and the Stout Gentleman)
- Thomas in Not (Thomas in Trouble)
- Dreckige Dinger (Dirty Objects)
- Entgleist (Off the Rails)
- In der Mine (Down the Mine)
- Die Weihnachtsfeier (Thomas' Christmas Party)
- Chaos im Kohlestaub (Thomas, Percy and the Coal)
- Kühe (Cows)
- Berties Jagd (Bertie's Chase)
- Nicht verschrotten, Bitte (Saved from Scrap)
- Toby's name is misspelt "Tobi" on the front cover.