Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

Thomas and His Friends Vol. 3 is a German VHS release featuring six episodes from the first series and four episodes from the second series.


  1. Toby und der elegante Herr (Toby and the Stout Gentleman)
  2. Thomas in Not (Thomas in Trouble)
  3. Dreckige Dinger (Dirty Objects)
  4. Entgleist (Off the Rails)
  5. In der Mine (Down the Mine)
  6. Die Weihnachtsfeier (Thomas' Christmas Party)
  7. Chaos im Kohlestaub (Thomas, Percy and the Coal)
  8. Kühe (Cows)
  9. Berties Jagd (Bertie's Chase)
  10. Nicht verschrotten, Bitte (Saved from Scrap)


  • Toby's name is misspelt "Tobi" on the front cover.