Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
For other uses, see Thomas Comes to Breakfast (disambiguation).

Thomas Comes to Breakfast and Other Stories is a UK VHS featuring six second series episodes narrated by Ringo Starr. It was released in a Watch and Play video pack with a colouring book and pens.


  1. Percy and Harold - Harold the helicopter is being a nuisance. He thinks railways are out of date.
  2. Percy Takes the Plunge - Thomas gives Percy a warning about Danger Signs.
  3. Bertie's Chase - Thomas is late, Edward is impatient and the passengers are cross. Dashing Bertie races to the rescue.
  4. Thomas and Trevor - Trevor is asked to help Thomas build the Fat Controller's new harbour. At first Thomas has his doubts.
  5. Thomas Comes to Breakfast - Thomas shows off to Percy and Toby and finds himself an unwelcome guest in the Stationmaster's house.
  6. Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree - The Fat Controller is planning a big celebration, but Thomas goes missing on an important mission. The engines come to his rescue.



