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"Ha! I'm on my third! I'm as red as a rocket and twice as fast!"
― James boasting to Thomas

Thomas Gets It Right is the seventeenth episode of the eighth series.


An overnight storm has swept across Sodor and caused a lot of damage. The Fat Controller assigns his engines jobs to help clean up the mess. James and Gordon hope to make as many journeys as possible, as does Thomas. Whilst Gordon goes to the timber yard, James collects workmen and Toby goes to the builders for new roof tiles. Thomas is sent to Maron, where Farmer McColl is waiting with boxes of newly-laid eggs. Once the eggs are loaded into the van, Thomas is keen to be off, but Farmer McColl is going with him; his eggs must be delivered safely and Thomas must go slowly. This is the last thing Thomas wants; a slow journey which might take him all day. Thomas gives a sad toot of his whistle and pulls away very slowly with the eggs.

However, Thomas stops at a crossing to let Gordon pass with the express; he has already done his timber delivery, which makes Thomas sad. At Maithwaite, four boxes of eggs are unloaded for the village store, and James - delivering workmen to fix the station roof - tells Thomas that he is on his third journey. Thomas carries on, feeling miserable. Thomas soon sees Toby taking on coal. Even the little tram is on his second journey and passes him as soon as he has finished taking coal.

Thomas thinks it is not fair that the other engines can go faster than he can, so he decides to be fast and careful. Unfortunately, Thomas goes too fast and Farmer McColl tells him to slow down. However, he does not hear and the eggs started rocking and Thomas then clatters over some points, causing some eggs to fall off the pile and break on the floor of the van. When Thomas approaches a red signal, Thomas stops by Farmer McColl's orders. The Farmer checks the eggs in the van, and sees that a few of them are broken. Thomas apologizes and promises to go slow.

On his way to the docks, Thomas hears an impatient whistle blowing behind him; it is James wanting him to speed up, but Thomas ignores James and carries on slowly since he learned that going slowly can be important as going fast. That night, the Fat Controller is pleased with his engines, but Thomas feels unhappy that he only made one journey and broke some eggs. However, the Fat Controller tells Thomas that Farmer McColl gave him the broken eggs for his tea and that Thomas was still really useful for doing his job right especially if he broke some of the eggs.




  • Going by production order, this is the eleventh episode of the eighth series.
  • This marks Farmer McColl's first speaking role since the sixth series episode, Toby Had a Little Lamb and the first time he is mentioned by name in all dubs.
  • This is the only episode written by Robin Rigby, not counting the cancelled Jack and the Sodor Construction Company episodes, Safety First and Treasure Hunt.
  • This episode, along with As Good as Gordon, are the only episodes of the eighth series not to be released on DVD in South Africa.
  • In the Tales from the Track DVD, the lines of The Fat Controller saying, "You, Thomas, are a really useful engine," and the narrator saying, "Thomas just beamed," are said later than in The Complete Series 8 and individual broadcasts.
  • A fish eye lens are used when Gordon and James leave Tidmouth Sheds.
  • A deleted scene of this episode shows Harvey with his wincing face that can be found in the Strength music video, which was the only time it was seen on-screen.


  • Gordon's eyes are misaligned in the first scene.
  • Thomas is only pulling one truck, but the narrator refers to it as plural throughout the episode.
  • The paint on the stationmaster/guard's face is scraped when the workmen were loading the eggs.
  • When Thomas first puffs off with the eggs, Farmer McColl is not in his cab, and his van shakes a bit.
  • Thomas's eyes are misaligned a bit in some scenes.
  • The camera jolts down before it zooms in closer to Thomas after Gordon passes by.
  • When Thomas stops to wait for Gordon to pass with the express, the edge of the set can be seen in the top left of the screen.


In Other Languages

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Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Thomas Faz O Que é Certo
Chinese Mandarin 托马斯做对了
Croatian Tomica je Pravilno Postupio
Czech Tomáš to Dokázal
Danish Thomas Tager Det Stille og Roligt
Dutch Thomas Krijgt Het Voor Elkaar
Finnish Tuomas Tekee Oikein
French Thomas Obtient Le Faire
Thomas Obtient Le Droit
German Thomas macht fast alles richtig
Greek Ο Τόμας παίρνει το σωστό
Hungarian Törékeny Rakomány
Italian Thomas fa la Cosa Giusta
Japanese トーマス、ただしくやる
Korean 달걀 나르기
Latin American Spanish Thomas Hace las Cosas Bien
Norwegian Thomas Får Det Til
Polish Tomek Dobrze się Spisuje
Romanian Thomas Îndreaptă Lucrurile
Russian Все по правилам
Scottish Gaelic Tòmas in Fhaiceall
Spanish Thomas Acierta
Swedish Thomas Får Till Det Till Slut

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