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"Can you believe they're filming a Bollywood movie on the Indian Railway? It's so exciting!"
"Yes, so exciting! A film about Bollywood. What's a Bollywood?"
"In America, they have Hollywood so in India, we have Bollywood. It's just another name for the Indian movie industry."
― Ashima and Thomas

Thomas Goes to Bollywood is the sixth episode of the twenty-second series.


A Bollywood action movie is being filmed on the Indian Railway. Thomas becomes fascinated by Bollywood, but is depressed when he learns that he is only involved in the movie to take the lead actor to the film set. Meanwhile, Rajiv races into the station stating that he is going to be in one of the scenes of the film.

Thomas tries to be happy while on the film set (and is even amazed by it), but finds it hard to do so and fantasises actually being in a film. All the same, he does enjoy helping out on the set and is rather surprised to see Rajiv delivering trucks despite appearing in the film.

While delivering more supplies to the set, Thomas is surprised to see the lead actor jump across a speeding Rajiv and then try to jump on top of a pile of crates. Thinking that the actor is in danger, Thomas attempts to race to the rescue and pushes away a flatbed to have the actor land in his trucks. Unfortunately, the lead actor becomes cross with Thomas; he was actually supposed to fall as part of the film and land on the flatbeds.

Thomas feels terrible about interrupting the shooting of the film, but is actually praised by Rajiv and the film's director; they both think that what Thomas did made it look really heroic. This convinces the director to keep the scene in the film. The crowd of people watching see what Thomas did and - running past the main actor - they run towards Thomas, cheering for him and taking his photo. This makes Thomas pleased that he got to star in the film after all.






  • Joseph May as Thomas
  • Tina Desai as Ashima
  • Nikhil Parmar as Rajiv and the Director
  • Sheena Bhattessa as Charubala
  • Sanjeev Bhaskar as the Actor
  • Rob Rackstraw as the Trailer Voice-over


  • Going by production order, this is the seventh episode of the twenty-second series.
  • The title is a reference to the English pop band, "Frankie Goes to Hollywood".
  • This episode marks the first of several things:
    • Charubala's first speaking role and first appearance in an episode.
    • This is the first episode to have Thomas' name in the title since the nineteenth series episode, Thomas the Babysitter.
    • The first episode in which the Island of Sodor does not appear at all counting fantasy sequences (not counting the beginning and ending segments with Thomas).
    • The first episode set in India in where Shankar does not appear since his introduction.
    • The first episode not to have Keith Wickham as part of the voice cast since the Big World! Big Adventures! rebrand, and the first since the twentieth series episode, Love Me Tender.
  • This is the only episode in where Noor Jehan appears, but does not speak since her introduction.
  • The film in Thomas' fantasy is entitled Big Hero One, which may be a reference to the 2014 Disney film and Marvel comic book series, Big Hero 6.
  • On the Nick Jr. US airing of this episode, it was paired with Confusion Without Delay.


  • In the scene of the director telling Thomas his scene will be in the movie, half of Rajiv's buffer beam disappears.


In Other Languages

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Language Title
Arabic النجم المشور
Brazilian Portuguese Thomas Vai a Bollywood
Chinese 托马斯来的宝莱坞
Czech Tomáš míří do Bollywoodu
Danish Thomas går til Bollywood
Dutch Thomas Gaat naar Bollywood
Finnish Tuomas lähtee Bollywoodiin
German Thomas, der große Held
Hebrew תומס נוסע לבוליווד
Hungarian Thomas Bollywoodba megy
Italian Thomas va a Bollywood
Japanese トーマス、ボリウッドにいく
Korean 토마스, 발리우드에 가다
Latin American Spanish Thomas Va a Bollywood
Norwegian Thomas drar til Bollywood
Polish Tomek Jedzie do Bollywood
Russian Огни Болливуда
Serbian Tomas ide u Bollywood
Spanish Thomas en Bollywood
Swedish Thomas åker till Bollywood
Thai โทมัสไปฮอลลีวูด
Turkish Thomas Bollywood'da
Vietnamese Một ngày lam việc của Thomas tại Bollywood

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