Thomas Makes His Wish (later retitled Thomas Makes a Wish) is a Play-a-Tune book.
A shooting star streaks across the Island of Sodor, Thomas sees the star, but he does not know what to wish for. The next day, he asks his friends what they wished for. Jeremy wishes that he could fly across the widest ocean, Rocky wishes that he could be the tallest, farthest-stretching, highest-reaching crane of the whole island, Freddie wishes that he could lead his friends out of danger, Spencer had made three wishes very fast, and Percy wishes that he can always be best at delivering mail. That night, Thomas finally decides what he will wish for; he wishes that all of his friends' wishes come true.
- This story is loosely based on the tenth series episode, Thomas and the Shooting Star.
- The interactive button plays "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", and it is to be played when it gets to the part.
- When Thomas imagines himself as an aeroplane, the aeroplane costume was from the tenth series episode, Sticky Toffee Thomas.
- Freddie has Henry's whistle but in a low pitch, his running board is straight, he has eight wheels and he is the same size as Thomas.
- Jeremy is out of scale compared to Thomas.
- James' smokebox saddle is red and his wheels are grey.