Thomas and His Friends Get Along, later lengthened to Thomas and His Friends Get Along and Other Thomas Adventures, is a US and Canadian VHS/DVD release featuring three first series episodes, six second series episodes and one third series episode narrated by George Carlin. It was distributed by Anchor Bay Entertainment on VHS in 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2004 and on DVD in 2004 with the DVD including a song. It was later re-released by Lionsgate in 2009 under the name The Runaway Engine. Lionsgate re-released the title for digital download in 2013.
1998/1999 VHS
PEEP! PEEP! Thomas, Sir Topham Hatt, Percy and their friends have learned many lessons about working together. They have selected their favorite stories to create this collection about getting along with each other.
See how Bertie learns to trust Thomas. Watch what happens when James speaks rudely to other engines and when Sir Topham Hatt relies on the big engines - with interesting results! Climb on board for these heartwarming tales from the Island of Sodor. Stories narrated by George Carlin.
2000/2004 VHS
PEEP! PEEP! Thomas, Sir Topham Hatt, Percy and their friends have learned many lessons about working together. They have selected their favorite stories to create this collection about getting along with each other. See how Bertie learns to trust Thomas. Watch what happens when James speaks rudely to other engines and when Sir Topham Hatt relies on the big engines - with interesting results! Climb aboard for these heartwarming tales from the Island of Sodor.
2004/2009 DVD
PEEP! PEEP! Thomas, Sir Topham Hatt, Percy and their friends have learned many lessons about working together. They have selected their favorite stories to create this collection about getting along with each other. See how Bertie learns to trust Thomas. Watch what happens when James speaks rudely to other engines and when Sir Topham Hatt relies on the big engines - with interesting results! Climb aboard for non-stop DVD fun and excitement.Episodes
- Old Iron (Vol. 4)
- James in a Mess (Vol. 4)
- Duck Takes Charge (Vol. 4)
- Down the Mine (Vol. 5)
- The Runaway (Vol. 5)
- Better Late than Never (Vol. 5)
- Tenders and Turntables (Vol. 3)
- Percy Proves a Point (Vol. 4)
- Trust Thomas (Vol. 6)
- Percy and the Signal (Vol. 7)
Song (DVD only)
Bonus Features
- Character Gallery (from Best of Gordon)
- Link to the Official Website
- The filedates of the 2004 DVD show that it was finished on January 22, 2004.
- The 1998 VHS release won a 1999 Parent's Guide to Children's Media Inc. award.
- This was the first Thomas VHS to use the 1998 onscreen Anchor Bay Entertainment logo on the tape, although it still includes the Video Treasures tracking control and FBI warning screens. The 1998 onscreen Anchor Bay Entertainment logo can also be seen on releases like in Richard Williams' A Christmas Carol VHS/DVD, Paula Abdul Cardio Dance, Ring of Bright Water (1998 and 1999 VHS), and other releases with the logo.
- The DVD introduces a newer modified version of the Island of Sodor menu seen on Cranky Bugs, Races, Rescues and Runaways, Spills and Chills and Thomas and His Friends Help Out. This same version also appears on James Learns a Lesson and 10 Years of Thomas.
- This is the last VHS release captioned by Captions Inc. Los Angeles.
- This is the only DVD release captioned by The Transcription Company.
- This is the only US DVD to contain George Carlin's narrations of Duck Takes Charge, Better Late than Never and Tenders and Turntables.
- The front of the 2000 VHS and the 2004 DVD cover uses a mirrored photo of Thomas and Percy from A Close Shave for Duck. It uses a photo from Passengers and Polish as the foreground, where Duncan's face is edited to look neutral. However, his reflection still shows him wearing his angry face and he does not appear in any episodes as he is not introduced until the fourth series.
- Some releases from 2000 has each episode begin with the original UK intro but with George Carlin credited as narrator, and end with an outro similar to Australian ABC airings and New Zealand Channel 2 airings. Trust Thomas is most similar to how it was released on VHS in New Zealand. It is presumed this Kmart exclusive release was an "early master" of the tape, which was unintentionally released in 2000 and quickly replaced with the standard release.
- Like the Kmart exclusive VHS, the VUDU digital US release opens with the Old Iron title card, albeit with George Carlin's credit in a poorer quality.
- Some copies of the 2000 VHS tape, including all Canadian copies, are a darker shade of blue than others.
- On the front cover of the 2009 release, an edited image from James and the Queen of Sodor is used.
- The image of Duncan on the cover is absent from the DVD disc.
- The Runaway comes before Percy Proves a Point, meaning that audiences may not know who Harold is.
- After Percy and the Signal, the credits from Thomas Gets Bumped and Other Stories is used.
- On some 1999 tape labels, Britt Allcroft is misspelt as "Beth Allcroft."
- The 2000 tape label states the runtime is 36 minutes when in fact it is 56 minutes.
- The DVD captions incorrectly refer Sir Topham Hatt as "Sir Top-M-Hat" and Branch Line as "French Line" during Percy Proves a Point.
- Harold's banner in the menu to the DVD is missing the word 'his' from the title. Sir Topham Hatt even addresses the title without 'his' in the narrations.
- In the Character Gallery, Trevor is called a tractor.
- "Duck Takes Charge" comes before "Percy and the Signal," so some viewers may not understand the latter being mentioned.
- Percy's brakepipe has been incorrectly photoshopped out on the 2000 VHS/2004 DVD front cover.
DVD Packs
- Thomas and His Friends Get Along and On Site with Thomas and Other Adventures Double Pack
- Totally Thomas Volume 2
- Friendship on the Tracks