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Thomas and His Friends Help Out, re-released as Friends Help Out in 2009, is a US and Canadian VHS/DVD featuring five first series episodes, three second series episodes and three third series episodes narrated by George Carlin. It was distributed by Anchor Bay Entertainment on VHS in 1996, re-released in 2002 and 2003, and released on DVD in that same year. It was released in Brazil in 2007 under the title Helping the Friends, and was released in Mexico in 2008 under the title Thomas in Action Again.


Thomas, Gordon, Sir Topham Hatt, and the rest of the gang have learned many lessons about lending a helping hand. They have selected their favorite stories to create this special "best of" collection - all about helping.

PEEP! PEEP! Hop on board as a heavy snowfall strands the villagers-and Harold, Terence, Thomas, and Percy come to the rescue. Watch as Percy brings Annie and Clarabel home safely through a thunderstorm, and cheer on James as he tries his best to pull a very long train.

PEEP! PEEP! According to Sir Topham Hatt: "Helping out is one of the best ways to show that you're a Really Useful Engine." That's why it's so important for Thomas to race to the rescue when one of his friends needs a "helping hand," or in Thomas' case, a "helping buffer." This special collection of stories highlights your Sodor friends proving that sometimes friendship is stronger than fear as they help out those in need. Remember when Trevor was almost scrapped? Cheer on Thomas, Harold, Terence and Percy as they rescue villagers from a heavy snowfall, and find out what happens down at the mine. All Aboard!

PEEP! PEEP! According to Sir Topham Hatt: "Helping out is one of the best ways to show that you're a Really Useful Engine." That's why it's so important for Thomas to race to the rescue when one of his friends needs a "helping hand," or in Thomas' case, a "helping buffer." This special collection of stories highlights your Sodor friends proving that sometimes friendship is stronger than fear as they help out those in need. Remember when Trevor was almost scrapped? Cheer on Thomas, Harold, Terence and Percy as they rescue villagers from a heavy snowfall, and find out what happens down at the mine. All aboard for non-stop DVD fun and excitement!

ALL ABOARD! According to Sir Topham Hatt, "Helping out is one of the best ways to show that you're a Really Useful Engine." That's why it's so important for Thomas to race to the rescue when one of his friends needs a "helping hand," or in Thomas' case, a "helping buffer." This special collection of stories highlights your Sodor friends proving that sometimes friendship is stronger than fear as they help out those in need.



Segundo Sir Topham Hatt, "Ajudar é uma das melhores maneiras de mostrar que você é realmente um trem prestativo." Por isso, é tão importante para Thomas correr para resgatar um amigo quando ele precisa de uma "mão amiga," ou neste caso, de um "pára-choque amigo." Esta coleção especial de histórias mostra seus amigos de Sodor provando que a amizade é mais forte que o medo quando eles ajudam quem precisa. Lembra-se quando o Trevor quase foi parar no ferro-velho? Junte-se a Thomas, Harold, Terence e Percy enquanto eles socorrem pessoas de uma forte nevasca e descobrem o que acontece na mina. Todos a bordo para esta viagem sem escalas em um DVD divertido e empolgante!

English Translation


According to Sir Topham Hatt, "Helping is one of the best ways to show that you are really a helpful train." So it is so important for Thomas who runs to rescue a friend when he needs a "helping hand," or in this case, a "buffer friend." This special collection of stories shows your friends of Sodor proving that friendship is stronger than fear when they help those in need. Remember when Trevor was almost stop in the junkyard? Join Thomas, Harold, Terence and Percy as they rely upon people of a heavy snowfall and discover what happens in the mine. All aboard for this nonstop trip on a fun and exciting DVD!


La famosa serie basada en los libros que escribió Wilfred Awdry muestra las divertidas aventuras de Thomas, un gracioso tren que se convertirá en ¡el mejor amigo de los niños!

En una isla llamada Sodor, donde los vehículos tienen personalidad propia, Thomas comparte aventuras con sus amigos entre los cuales se encuentran otras locomotoras, un autobús, un tractor y un helicóptero.

"Ayudar a los demás es la mejor forma de ser una verdadera y auténtica máquina". Thomas aprende la importancia de rescatar a sus amigos cuando se les complica. esta colección especial prueba que la amistad siempre es más fuerte que el miedo, ya que Thomas y sus amigos siempre ayudan a los que más lo necesitan sin importar la situación en la que estén. ¡Piip! ¡Piip! Todos a bordo para compartir con Thomas, Harold, Terence y Percy sus divertidas aventuras.

English Translation

The famous book-based series that Wilfred Awdry wrote shows the fun adventures of Thomas, a funny train that will become children's best friend!

On an island called Sodor, where vehicles have their own personality, Thomas shares adventures with his friends, among which are other locomotives, a bus, a tractor and a helicopter.

"Helping others is the best way to be a true and authentic machine." Thomas learns the importance of rescuing his friends when they get complicated. This special collection proves that friendship is always stronger than fear, since Thomas and his friends always help those who need it most regardless of the situation they are in. Peep! Peep! All aboard to share with Thomas, Harold, Terence and Percy their fun adventures.


  1. A Ajuda de Edward (Edward and Gordon)
  2. Vagões de Carga (Troublesome Trucks)
  3. O Trem Postal (Thomas, Percy and the Post Train)
  4. Thomas Desrespeita a Lei (Thomas in Trouble)
  5. Rumo à Mina (Down the Mine)
  6. A Promessa de Percy (Percy's Promise)
  7. A greve (Trouble in the Shed)
  8. Os Gêmeos Escoceses (Break Van)
  9. Novo Começo (Saved from Scrap)
  10. A Ajuda (Bertie's Chase)
  11. Uma História de Natal (Thomas and Percy's Christmas Adventure)

  1. Edward al Rescate (Edward and Gordon)
  2. Los vagones de carga tontos (Troublesome Trucks)
  3. Thomas, Percy y el tren de correo (Thomas, Percy and the Post Train)
  4. Thomas rompe las reglas (Thomas in Trouble)
  5. En la mina (Down the Mine)
  6. La promesa de Percy (Percy's Promise)
  7. Una problema para Sir Topham Hatt (Trouble in the Shed)
  8. Donald y Douglas (Break Van)
  9. De nuevo en acción (Saved from Scrap)
  10. Bertie al rescate (Bertie's Chase)
  11. La aventura navideña de Thomas y Percy (Thomas and Percy's Christmas Adventure)

Bonus Features



  • When this DVD is inserted into a computer, it is mistakenly titled Spills & Chills. This was later fixed on the 2009 reprint.
  • On the 2002 VHS/2003 DVD cover, there are paint chips on Thomas' roof.
  • The Gullane Entertainment logo is not shown on the 2003 DVD spine, the back cover, the disc and the back of the booklet.
  • At the end of Foolish Freight Cars, the line, "After that performance, you deserve to keep your red coat" is removed. However, it is restored on digital releases.
  • Percy’s Promise is out of sync this is due to it being taken from Trust Thomas, where the first few seconds of the opening on said release are cut, while the episode on this release is shown in its full form.
  • At the very end of Trouble in the Shed, as the ending theme starts, the top of the credits begin to appear over the picture, but it then cuts off to the nameboards.
  • On the 2008 DVD and sound book covers, an image of Edward is used, albeit with Thomas' current smiling face over it.
    • Additionally, Bertie is noticeably out of scale compared to Edward.
  • In the DVD menu, Gordon's tracks and Bertie's wheels are standing on top of the bushes.
  • Cranky's name is flipped on the Latin American DVD front cover.
  • In some releases, when the narrator says "Long ago" in Down the Mine, the audio cuts out.
  • In the DVD booklet, it is listed that Thomas' Trackside Tunes was available on DVD, but the DVD version was not released until 2008.
  • Henry is shown on the Brazilian DVD cover instead of Percy with the parachute in the water.
  • The image of James is mirrored on the back cover of the Latin American DVD, as his number 5 is flipped.
  • On digital releases and on the Brazilian DVD, after Thomas, Percy and the Mail Train and Donald and Douglas, Duncan's nameboard is shown twice.
  • On some 1999 VHS labels, Britt Allcroft is misspelled Beth Allcroft.
  • On the "Next Story Coming Up Soon!" shown before Percy's Promise, muffled audio of George Carlin saying said episode's first line can be briefly heard before it gets cut off by the actual episode playing.
  • The title is missing on some 1999 tape labels. They simply refer to the release as "Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends."
  • The back cover of the DVD release incorrectly dates this release as 2002 because of its VHS rerelease, even though it was released in 2003.
  • In the Latin American description, Wilbert Awdry is mistakenly spelled as Wilfred Awdry.

In Other Languages

Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Ajudando os amigos
Latin American Spanish Thomas de nuevo en acción

DVD Packs
