Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

Thomas and His Friends Vol. 5 is a German VHS release featuring ten episodes from the second series.


  1. Besser spät als nie (Better Late than Never)
  2. Der Bremswagen (Break Van)
  3. Hilfe für die Zwillinge (The Deputation)
  4. Ein unwillkomender Frühstücksgast (Thomas Comes to Breakfast)
  5. Daisy
  6. Percys Zwangslage (Percy's Predicament)
  7. Dieselitis (The Diseasel)
  8. Der falsche Weg (Wrong Road)
  9. Edwards Heldentat (Edward's Exploit)
  10. Der Geisterzug (Ghost Train)


  • The episode Daisy is named Daisy and Harald on the cover.