Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

Thomas and His Friends Vol. 6 is a German VHS release featuring two episodes from the second series and eight episodes from the third series.


  1. Der Wollbär (Woolly Bear)
  2. Der fehlende Weihnachtbaum (Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree)
  3. Ein Schal für Percy (A Scarf for Percy)
  4. Percys Versprechen (Percy's Promise)
  5. Zeit für Ärger (Time for Trouble)
  6. Eine weltberühmte Lok (Gordon and the Famous Visitor)
  7. Ein schlechter Scherz (Donald's Duck)
  8. Thomas entgleist (Thomas Gets Bumped)
  9. Der rätselhafte Drachen (Thomas, Percy and the Dragon)
  10. Schon wieder Diesel (Diesel Does it Again)