- "Heeelp!"
- ― Skarloey, after breaking away from Thomas on Gordon's Hill
Thomas and Skarloey's Big Day Out is the twenty-eighth and final episode of the tenth series.
It is summertime on the Island of Sodor, and Thomas enjoys taking visitors to the seaside everyday. One day, the Fat Controller gives Thomas a special to deliver steel pipes to the wharf, and Thomas is delighted to see many sights along the way, such as the castle, Shen Valley and Gordon's Hill.
When Thomas arrives at the wharf, he sees Skarloey looking very sad because he has broken down and needs repairs. Thomas volunteers to take him across Sodor to the repair yards. The Thin Controller agrees, but warns Thomas that Skarloey is heavy and must go straight to the repair yards. He also warns Thomas to be careful because the coupling on the flatbed is old. Skarloey is still sad when he is loaded onto the flatbed, so Thomas decides to make Skarloey's trip exciting by showing him several sights Skarloey has never seen before.
Thomas goes on a different track away from the repair yard to show Skarloey the sights. He shows him Callan Castle and Shen Valley, but Skarloey says their railway has places like that and does not cheer him up. Thomas takes him to Gordon's Hill, struggling to pull Skarloey and he makes it to the top, but the old coupling breaks and Skarloey rolls back down the hill and derails in a siding, crashing into the buffers. Thomas puffs back to Skarloey realising his mistake. Thomas is coupled back to Skarloey and heads straight to the repair yard.
When Thomas stops at a signal near the seaside, Skarloey is amazed by the view of the beach and says he had never seen anything like the seaside. Thomas is surprised and happy to hear this and says he sees the beach everyday. Thomas takes Skarloey to the repair yard and waits for Skarloey to get mended. Skarloey is soon fixed and the two engines have one more view of the seaside. Skarloey declares it the best day out ever and Thomas is happy to see his friend happy.
- Thomas
- Skarloey
- Sir Topham Hatt
- Mr. Percival
- Annie and Clarabel (cameos)
- Rocky (cameo)
- Refreshment Lady (cameo)
- Mr. Percival's Assistant (cameo)
- The Donkey Riding Girl (cameo)
- Gordon (mentioned)
- Norramby Beach
- The Fishing Village
- Callan Castle
- Tidmouth Beach
- Tidmouth Sheds
- Gordon's Hill
- Shen Valley
- Three-Track Hay Field
- The Wharf
- The Steel Arch Bridge (deleted scene)
- A leaked script differs from the final episode in various ways:
- This was originally going to be the fourteenth episode of the tenth series.
- The first line of narration was to be said as Thomas puffs around the countryside.
- Where Thomas leaves the pipes, meets Skarloey and talks to the Thin Controller are all in different positions that he has to puff between.
- The Thin Controller says "And take care. The coupling could snap at any time!" instead of "The coupling on the flatbed is old, so take care!"
- It is noted that Skarloey is lowered onto the flatbed.
- Thomas says he will show Skarloey "the sights of Sodor" rather than specifying they will be new sights unseen in the mountains.
- It is noted that a signal is present at the fork in the track and implied that Thomas actually stops there.
- Another runby in addition to the farm set is noted. A photo exists of a deleted scene of Thomas and Skarloey under The Steel Arch Bridge.
- The coupling is said to snap instead of come loose.
- Since the front coupling snapped, Thomas rerails the flatbed by pulling backwards, and he pushes Skarloey the rest of the way from behind.
- Instead of Thomas saying he will wait with Skarloey, the narrator says that Skarloey was soon fixed.
- Thomas and Skarloey pass by the lighthouse on the way back. There exists a photo of this deleted scene.
- This marks the last episode of several things:
- The last episode shot in 576i standard definition.
- Jocelyn Stevenson's last episode as executive producer.
- The last time a small scale model of a narrow gauge engine was used on screen.
- The last series to feature the eighth series theme song in the intro.
- The last episode to feature the 2004-2006 HiT series theme at the end of the episodes.
- The last episode dubbed by Saverio Ingrio in Italy and Kim Seung-jun in South Korea until the twelfth series episode, Thomas and the Billboard.
- The last episode aired by EBS in South Korea until the twelfth series episode, Thomas and the Billboard.
- The last episode aired by Tooniverse until the twenty-second series episode, Number One Engine in South Korea.
- The last episode aired by Daekyo Kids TV in South Korea.
- The last appearance of Shen Valley.
- The last appearance of Norramby Beach in the original series.
- The last episode to have Karen Puddifoot as production runner before her tragic death in Ha Long Bay, Vietnam on 24th September, 2009, only three years later after the episode aired.
- Stock footage from Percy and the Oil Painting and Seeing the Sights is used.
- In the UK dub, the repair yard is referred to as the "mender's", while in the US dub, it's referred to the "repair's yard".
- Thomas' plastic model was used at the beginning of the episode.
- A recap version of the episode was used in the Sodor's Special Places segment, The Seaside before the full episode aired.
- Skarloey's small scale model was used again for the first time since the fifth series (minus stock footage in the seventh series). The small scale model was used in the long shots when he and Thomas passed by each place and in the scene when they arrived at the workshops. In addition, when Skarloey rolls down Gordon's Hill, his unused fourth series horrified face is used. This was the only time said face was seen on-screen.
- In Latin American airings, the scene at the Fishing Village, all the scenes of Thomas going up Gordon's Hill and Skarloey's crash were omitted to accommodate time slots in Mexico and other Latin American countries.
- Skarloey's model was heavily revamped physically for this episode.
- The episode's plot points would later be reused for the fifteenth series episode, Stop that Bus! and the seventeenth series episode, The Thomas Way, but with different characters.
- This episode was filmed before Missing Trucks, Wharf and Peace, and Fearless Freddie when Skarloey's smiling face still has painted teeth on it resembling a grinning face, but afterwards were removed to resemble a closed mouth by the time the aforementioned episodes were filmed.
- The conflat from this episode is currently on display at the Discover Thomas & Friends Exhibition in Drayton Manor Resort.
- When Thomas stops beside Rocky, the puffing sound continues for a couple of seconds after Thomas actually stops.
- When Thomas arrives at the wharf, his steam platform is visible.
- In one close-up of Skarloey on the flatbed, Thomas does not have any coal in his bunker.
- When Thomas brings Skarloey to the Scottish Castle, a wall can be seen next to Skarloey's flatbed, but in Skarloey's close-up, the wall cannot be seen. This is because everything is put to larger scale so that Skarloey's newer model and faces can be used, and because there was no large scale Scottish Castle route made, the wall was replaced by piles of slates and clumps of moss beside the line.
- In the US dub, when Skarloey says "It's wonderful" when looking at the seaside, he has a Scottish accent.
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Home Media Releases
DVD Boxsets
#01 Follow that Flour | #11 Fearless Freddie | #21 Emily and the Special Coaches |
#02 A Smooth Ride | #12 Toby's New Shed | #22 Thomas and the Colours |
#03 Thomas and the Jet Plane | #13 Big Strong Henry | #23 Thomas and the Birthday Mail |
#04 Percy and the Funfair | #14 Sticky Toffee Thomas | #24 Duncan's Bluff |
#05 The Green Controller | #15 Which Way Now? | #25 Missing Trucks |
#06 Duncan Drops a Clanger | #16 Thomas and the Shooting Star | #26 Thomas and the Treasure |
#07 Thomas' Tricky Tree | #17 Edward Strikes Out | #27 James the Second Best |
#08 Toby's Afternoon Off | #18 Topped Off Thomas | #28 Thomas and Skarloey's Big Day Out |
#09 It's Good to Be Gordon | #19 Wharf and Peace | |
#10 Seeing the Sights | #20 Thomas' Frosty Friend | |