Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
For other uses, see Thomas and Trevor (disambiguation).

Thomas and Trevor is a 1987 annual story. The second series episode of the same name is "based on the story by Christopher Awdry from original material by Britt Allcroft and David Mitton".


Edward can see that Trevor does not have much work to do, so he tells him that the Fat Controller needs his help to clear the site at the harbour, which Trevor delightfully accepts. When Thomas meets Trevor at the junction, he has his doubts about Trevor due to how he looks. When they arrive at the harbour, everything is in a complete mess and the workers are not sure who will be able to clear the rubble out of the way, until Trevor comes up with a solution. Later, Trevor sets to work and in no time, he clears up the pilings and the harbour is shipshape. Shortly afterwards, Thomas brings children for Trevor to give rides around the harbour, which Trevor likes best of all. Back at home, Trevor feels lonely, but Thomas tells him that they may need him again at the harbour someday, which brightens his mood.



