For other uses, see Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree (disambiguation). |
Thomas and the Christmas Tree (Slovenian: Tomaž in novoletna jelka) is a Slovenian VHS/DVD release featuring three first series episodes, two second series episodes and five fifth series episodes narrated by Vladimir Jurc.
Nove napete dogodivščine LOKOMOTIVČKA TOMAŽA:
English Translation
New exciting adventures of THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE:
- Tomaž, Lozje in sneg (Thomas, Terence and the Snow)
- Leteči slanik (The Flying Kipper)
- Tomaževa Božična zabava (Thomas' Christmas Party)
- Odposlanstvo (The Deputation)
- Tomaž in pogrešana novoletna jelka (Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree)
- Tomaž, Poldi in star potniški vagon (Thomas, Percy and Old Slowcoach)
- Tomaž in govorice (Thomas and the Rumours)
- Oliverjeva najdba (Oliver's Find)
- Vso srečo ženin in nevesta (Happy Ever After)
- Počitnice gospoda Cirila Klobučarja (Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday)