Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
For other uses, see Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree (disambiguation).

Thomas and the Christmas Tree (Slovenian: Tomaž in novoletna jelka) is a Slovenian VHS/DVD release featuring three first series episodes, two second series episodes and five fifth series episodes narrated by Vladimir Jurc.



Nove napete dogodivščine LOKOMOTIVČKA TOMAŽA:

English Translation

New exciting adventures of THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE:


  1. Tomaž, Lozje in sneg (Thomas, Terence and the Snow)
  2. Leteči slanik (The Flying Kipper)
  3. Tomaževa Božična zabava (Thomas' Christmas Party)
  4. Odposlanstvo (The Deputation)
  5. Tomaž in pogrešana novoletna jelka (Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree)
  6. Tomaž, Poldi in star potniški vagon (Thomas, Percy and Old Slowcoach)
  7. Tomaž in govorice (Thomas and the Rumours)
  8. Oliverjeva najdba (Oliver's Find)
  9. Vso srečo ženin in nevesta (Happy Ever After)
  10. Počitnice gospoda Cirila Klobučarja (Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday)



DVD Menu

Title Cards
