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Thomas and the Jet Plane (Volume 22) is a South African DVD featuring three tenth series episodes narrated by Michael Angelis. It was released in Hungary featuring five tenth series episodes narrated by Zoltán Csankó. It was released in Scandinavia featuring seven tenth series episodes. It was released in the Netherlands featuring four ninth series episodes and two tenth series episodes narrated by Erik de Zwart.


South Africa

Thomas is sent to collect some children from the airport for the Sodor Summer Picnic. At the airport, Thomas meets Jeremy, a jet plane. When Jeremy spots a storm on the way, he returns to the airport and alerts Thomas. The picnic will be ruined!


Sodor szigetére újabb verőfényes nap virrad. A kövér ellenőr megbízza Thomast, hogy pöfögjön ki a repülőtérre és vegye fel a hamarosan érkező gyerekeket, akik a mezőn fognak piknikezni. Thomas nagyon örül, hogy nem a szokásos szerelvénytologatás a munkája, és hogy a kohó közelébe sem kell mennie. Ám csakhamar megismeri a repülőgépet, akivel a gyerekek érkeznek Sodor szigetére. Thomas kezdetben barátságos, de egyre inkább féltékeny szemmel nézi a kis fehér légi járművet, aki szerénytelenség nélkül áradozik arról, hogy milyen mesés a levegőből a táj. Thomas ettől elszomorodik, de nemsokára egy hirtelen vihar támad, ami talán bebizonyítja Thomas számára is, hogy mennyire pótolhatatlan kis gőzös ő.

English Translation

Another bright sunrise on the Island of Sodor. The Fat Controller instructs Thomas to swan out to the airport and pick up the soon-to-arrive children who will be picnicking in the field. Thomas is delighted that his job isn't the usual pushing trains and that he doesn't have to go anywhere near the smelter. But he soon gets to know the plane the children are arriving in to Sodor Island. Thomas watches the little white aircraft with friendly at first, but increasingly jealous eyes, unabashedly gushing about how fabulous the scenery is from the air. Thomas is saddened by this, but soon a sudden storm breaks, perhaps proving to Thomas just how irreplaceable a little steam engine he is.


Her møter du igjen Lokomotivet Thomas og alle hans venner. Denne gangen skal Thomas hente noen barn på flyplassen, som har vært på skoletur. Her møter han jetflyet Jeremy som elsker å fly. Bli med Thomas på nye eventyr på fantasiøya Sodor.

English Translation

Here you will once again meet Thomas the Tank Engine and all his friends. This time, Thomas is picking up some children at the airport who have been on a school trip. Here he meets Jeremy the jet plane, who loves to fly. Join Thomas on a new adventure on the fantasy Island of Sodor.


Het is zomer en op het eiland Sodor hebben ze een picknick georganiseerd. Thomas is naar het vliegveld gestuurd om een paar kinderen op te halen en daar ontmoet hij Jeremy - het straalvliegtuig, die op het punt van vertrekken staat.
Door slecht weer komt Jeremy weer terug en hij waarschuwt Thomas.
Is de picknick geruïneerd?

English translation

It is summer and on the island of Sodor they have organised a picnic. Thomas has been sent to the airport to pick up some children and there he meets Jeremy - the jet plane, who is about to take off.
Due to bad weather Jeremy comes back and warns Thomas.

Is the picnic ruined?


Thomas og vennerne er tilbage med nye eventyr på Sodor! Hvert afsnit indeholder spændende rejser i et nyt, interaktivt format, der engagerer børnene.

Denne gang møder Thomas en flyvemaskine der hedder Jeremy. Thomas syntes at Jeremy blærer sig rigtigt meget, da han hele tiden fortæller om hvor fantastisk, det er at flyve højt oppe i luften. Se episoden om Thomas og Jeremy og en masse andre gode historier.

English Translation

Thomas & Friends are back with new adventures on Sodor! Each episode features exciting journeys in a new, interactive format that engages kids.

This time Thomas meets an aeroplane called Jeremy. Thomas thinks Jeremy is really showing off as he keeps talking about how amazing it is to fly high up in the air. Watch the episode about Thomas and Jeremy and lots of other great stories.


Här träffar du igen Thomas och alla hans vänner! Den här gången ska Thomas hämta några barn på flygplatsen och där träffar han på jetplanet Jeremy som älskar att flyga. Följ med Thomas på nya äventyr på fantastiska Rälsö!

English Translation

Meet Thomas and all his friends again! This time Thomas goes to the airport to pick up some children and there he meets Jeremy the jet plane who loves to fly. Join Thomas on a new adventure on the fantastic Island of Sodor!



  1. A repülőgép (Thomas and the Jet Plane)
  2. A döccenő (A Smooth Ride)
  3. A liszt nyomában (Follow that Flour)
  4. Kaland a haranggal (Duncan Drops a Clanger)
  5. Baráti segítség (Toby's Afternoon Off)


  1. Thomas og jetflyet (Thomas and the Jet Plane)
  2. Et dyktig lokomotiv (A Smooth Ride)
  3. Melet som forsvant (Follow that Flour)
  4. Klissete Thomas (Sticky Toffee Thomas)
  5. Duncan og klokken (Duncan Drops a Clanger)
  6. Så mye å se (Seeing the Sights)
  7. Thomas og stjerneskuddet (Thomas and the Shooting Star)

The Netherlands

  1. Thomas en het straalvliegtuig (Thomas and the Jet Plane)
  2. Op glad ijs (Keeping Up with James)
  3. Skarloey de dappere (Skarloey the Brave)
  4. Een soepel ritje (A Smooth Ride)
  5. Thomas en het standbeeld (Thomas and the Statue)
  6. Thomas en de steenarend (Thomas and the Golden Eagle)


  1. Thomas og Flyvemaskinen (Thomas and the Jet Plane)
  2. En rystende oplevelse (A Smooth Ride)
  3. Følg melet (Follow that Flour)
  4. Klistret karamel (Sticky Toffee Thomas)
  5. Duncan klokker i det (Duncan Drops a Clanger)
  6. Sodors seværdigheder (Seeing the Sights)
  7. Thomas og stjerneskuddet (Thomas and the Shooting Star)


  1. Tuomas ja lentokone (Thomas and the Jet Plane)
  2. Tasito menoa (A Smooth Ride)
  3. Seuraa että jauhot (Follow that Flour)
  4. Tahmeat naamiaiset (Sticky Toffee Thomas)
  5. Tauno kuljettaa kelloa (Duncan Drops a Clanger)
  6. Sodorin nähtävyydet (Seeing the Sights)
  7. Tuomas ja tähdenlento (Thomas and the Shooting Star)


  1. Thomas och jetplanet (Thomas and the Jet Plane)
  2. En smidig tur (A Smooth Ride)
  3. Mjölspåret (Follow that Flour)
  4. Thomas, söt som kola (Sticky Toffee Thomas)
  5. En klockren miss (Duncan Drops a Clanger)
  6. Alla fina platser (Seeing the Sights)
  7. Thomas och stjärnfallet (Thomas and the Shooting Star)


  • Thomas' face is photoshopped on all covers except the Indian DVD.


  • Michael Angelis is credited in the opening of the Norwegian DVD.
  • The Norwegian DVD's spine features a photo from the prototype cover.

In Other Languages

Language Title
Danish Thomas og Flyvemaskinen
Dutch Thomas en het straalvliegtuig
Finnish Tuomas ja lentokone
Hungarian A repülőgép
Norwegian Thomas og jetflyet
Swedish Thomas och jetplanet

DVD Pack


