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"Never having to work with Diesel again… or never wearing my snowplough… or never having to pull smelly fish!"
― Thomas deciding on what to wish for

Thomas and the Shooting Star is the sixteenth episode of the tenth series.


One evening, the engines are getting their jobs early because a shooting star is going to be seen that night and they all want to make a wish; Gordon hopes to be grander, James wants to be redder and Percy to always pull the mail train, while Thomas is unsure about whether he wants to wish for never working with Diesel, never wearing his snowplough, or never pulling fish ever again. However, the Fat Controller arrives with news that there has been a power cut and Thomas is to take engineers to repair the electrics at the power station, while also telling him to go the quickest way.

Thomas wants to do as the Fat Controller says, but it is soon nighttime and he comes across a tunnel, which he stopped and thought and he avoids going in because he does not want to miss the shooting star and the tunnel was long and dark and so takes a different route. He soon comes across Henry's forest, but starts to stop and think again and avoids it for the same reason and the branches covered the sky and then again with Shen Valley, which had a cutting. It was the fastest way to the power station but Thomas started to stop and think again because the cutting was long and deep and the cliffs were high up. As a result he gets lost. Soon, Percy is concerned when Thomas does not return while the other engines are thinking about their wishes. Now more concerned about getting to the power station, Thomas wishes that he can see when the shooting star comes across the sky over him, and Thomas finally sees the power station. Upon arriving, the engineers quickly work to get the power back on while Thomas puffs home.

When Thomas returns to Tidmouth Sheds, he finds the engines talking about their wishes; while Gordon feels grander and James feels that he is redder, Percy is happy to see Thomas back home safely, as is Thomas.




  • Going by production order, this is the fifteenth episode of the tenth series.
  • A leaked script differs from the final episode in various ways:
    • This was originally going to be the seventeenth episode of the tenth series.
    • At one point during the opening scene, there was to be a vignette of the shooting star, and the narrator was to say, "They were so excited, their axles tingled."
    • It is specified that the engineers arrived in a separate van from the Fat Controller, and the narrator says, "Then there was trouble!"
    • Annie and Clarabel are at the sheds. Thomas buffers up to them before speaking to Percy.
    • Shen Valley is described as being through the "Cuttins", which are very high compared to the deep valley.
    • Thomas is in the countryside when he sees the Power Station instead of being right in front of it.
    • The lights come on starting with "the branch lines, the signals, the farm houses..." instead of Knapford.
  • This is overall the 250th episode of the television series.
  • Edited stock footage from Thomas and the Rainbow is used.
  • This marks the only appearance of the Sodor Power Station in the television series.
  • The constellation the shooting star passes in front of is Orion.
  • A Thomas poster is seen in the boy's bedroom.
  • Even though the US dub of this episode was never released on home media in the US, Michael Brandon's dub of this episode along with Sticky Taffy Thomas and Which Way Now? were released on a Brazilian DVD, New Adventures of Thomas.
  • Some of Thomas' wishes he wants to wish for are some references to the first series episode, Thomas, Terence and the Snow, the eighth series episode, Fish and possibly the ninth series episode, Flour Power (which is also written by Grant) are made.


  • During the night sky scenes, whenever the camera moves, the stars move with it.


In Other Languages

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Language Title
Chinese Mandarin 托马斯和流星
Croatian Tomica i meteor
Czech Tomáš a létavice
Danish Thomas og stjerneskuddet
Dutch Thomas en de Vallende Ster
Finnish Tuomas ja Tähdenlento
French Thomas et l'étoile filante
German Thomas und die Sternschnuppe
Hungarian Az Üstökös
Italian Thomas e la Stella Cadente
Japanese トーマスとながれぼし
Korean 소원을 빌어요
Latin American Spanish Thomas y la Estrella Fugaz
Norwegian Thomas og stjerneskuddet
Polish Tomek i spadająca gwiazda
Portuguese Thomas e a estrela cadente
Romanian Thomas și Steaua Căzătoare
Russian Томас и падающая звезда
Spanish Thomas y la Estrella de los Deseos
Swedish Thomas och stjärnfallet
Turkish Thomas ve Kayan Yıldız

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