Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
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"How many spaceships did you find?"
― Gordon

Thomas and the Spaceship is the seventh episode of the eleventh series.


One foggy night, Percy breaks down on his way home, so Thomas brings him back to Tidmouth Sheds. On the way, Percy sees some lights flashing in the sky and is convinced it is a spaceship. Gordon dismisses these claims and calls Percy a silly little engine, but before Thomas can argue, the Fat Controller gives him the job of pulling Percy's mail train.

Thomas sets off and promises to prove Percy right. On the way, he sees flashing lights at the bottom of Gordon's Hill, but it only turns out to be workmen performing maintenance. He later sees another flashing light, but it turns out to only be the Lighthouse. He finally sees some flashing lights gliding through the sky and follows them, but it turns out to be Jeremy landing at the Sodor Airport.

Exhausted and disappointed, Thomas realises that he has been searching for the spaceship instead of pulling the mail. He sadly returns to Tidmouth Sheds and asks Gordon to help him deliver the mail on time. Gordon, feeling important when being told how fast and strong he is, agrees to help.

The next night, the fog is gone and all of the engines watch Jeremy land and Percy believes that Jeremy is more splendid than a spaceship anyway.




  • Percy saying hello to Thomas in the US dub is different from the UK dub.
  • There were a few differences made in the individual airings and DVDs compared to the Nick Jr. UK/PBS Kids airing Believing:
    • An alternative angle of Henry, Gordon and James at the docks.
    • An alternative angle of Thomas leaving to collect Percy's mail.
    • An alternative angle of Thomas approaching the lights where the workmen were fixing tracks and there was more fog in the re-filmed version as opposed to the original version.
  • The episode's plot would be later used for the twenty-second series episode, Seeing is Believing.


  • When Thomas stops on the top of Gordon's Hill, a crew member's hand can be seen pushing a mail van.


In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Thomas e a nave espacial
Chinese Mandarin 托马斯和太空船
Czech Tomáš a vesmírná loď
Danish Thomas og Rumskibet
Dutch Thomas en het ruimteschip
Finnish Tuomas ja Avaruusalus
German Percy sieht ein Raumschiff
Hungarian Thomas és az űrhajó
Japanese トーマスとうちゅうせん
Korean 토마스와 우주선
Norwegian Thomas og Romskipet
Polish Tomek i Statek Kosmiczny
Portuguese Thomas e a Nave Espacial
Romanian Thomas şi Nava Spaţială
Russian Томас и космический корабль
Spanish Thomas y la Nave Espacial
Swedish Thomas och rymdskepp

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