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"PHEW! You really are the stinkiest steam engine on Sodor, Thomas."
― Diesel

Thomas and the Stinky Cheese is the nineteenth episode of the eleventh series.


Thomas is working at the Coaling Plant with Diesel, 'Arry and Bert. Annoyed at having to work with a steam engine, the diesels make comments regarding them (especially Thomas in particular) being "stinky". Angered, Thomas fires back, stating that diesel engines are the "stinky" ones. Just then, the Fat Controller arrives and asks Thomas to collect a delivery from the Dairy. Despite not knowing what it is, Thomas happily sets off, simply pleased to be away from the diesels. However, upon arriving at the Dairy, he is disgusted to learn that his delivery is stinky cheese bound for Brendam Docks.

On the way, Thomas sees Diesel at a junction. Worried that the latter will smell him, Thomas reverses and takes a different route, despite a signalman warning him that this will result in him being late. He does not think that anyone will smell him until he sees 'Arry in a siding. Dismayed, Thomas once again reverses and turns left at the next junction junction, only to then spot Bert, forcing him to turn right at another one. Thomas is dismayed that there are diesels wherever he goes, and so he galivants across the island to avoid them, resulting in him eventually ending up back at the dairy. He then sees 'Arry approaching him, forcing him to quickly reverse, not noticing that Bert is approaching him from behind. As a result, Thomas crashes into Bert, catapulting his delivery of cheese into the air and splattering it all over the three engines. Disgusted, the two diesels quickly scutter away to the Washdown. Thomas wants to do the same, but his wrecked delivery is blocking his path. The Dairy Foreman then tells him that another load of cheese is ready, but also tells him to hurry.

On the way to the Docks, James notices the smell of Thomas' delivery and expresses his disgust. Even though Thomas is embarrassed by thus, he knows that he has to make the delivery on time. When he arrives at the Docks, Diesel is being unloaded and becomes disgusted by the smell of Thomas and the cheese, stating that he is the "stinkiest steam engine on Sodor". The Fat Controller and the workmen, however, are proud of Thomas for delivering such stinky cheese. Once 'Arry and Bert arrive fresh from the Washdown, the Fat Controller assigns the three diesels the task of shunting the cheese while Thomas is sent to the Washdown, much to the diesels' dismay and Thomas' delight.




  • Most of this episode was filmed in September 2006, a month before the tenth series started airing.[1] The scene where Thomas arrives at the dairy was filmed on 28 September 2006.
  • In 2008, the episode was used for a CGI test by Nitrogen Studios as the show was switching over to CGI animation. A few of these re-created clips can also be seen in a 2009 CGI promo featured on certain DVDs.
  • Thomas, Diesel, 'Arry and Bert gain new facial expressions, all of which only appear in this episode.
  • This episode was never released on Norwegian DVD or shown on television. It was only released on a website in 2015.
  • This episode marks the last of several things:
    • The last appearance of Thomas' original resin model when he arrived at Brendam Docks with the second load of stinky cheese.
    • The last appearance of the Coaling Plant excluding a deleted scene from The Great Discovery and a mention in the twelfth series episode, Henry Gets it Wrong.
    • 'Arry and Bert's last speaking roles until the fourteenth series episode, Victor Says Yes, their only speaking roles in the eleventh series and thus their last speaking roles in the model era.
    • The last appearances of Thomas' confused and suspicious face.
    • The final episode to feature the engines' faces not utilising CGI animation.
  • This is one of only two episodes to feature Diesel's unused ill face from the fourth series, the other being the tenth series episode, Emily and the Special Coaches and the last appearance of it as well.
  • A clip of Thomas while pulling the second cheese load is used both before and after James passes him.
  • This episode is one of three eleventh series episodes not featured on German home media. The other episodes are Dirty Work and Percy and the Left Luggage.
  • Thomas' accident in this episode is similar to his accident in The Railway Series story, Scrambled Eggs, as he both involve him getting covered in a dairy product that ends up frying on his boiler.
  • Both this episode and the next episode aired on Veterans Day 2007 in the United States.
  • This is the first episode to feature more diesels engines than steam engines.


  • When Thomas puffs away to be coupled, the chuffing sound is heard before he starts. This also happens with the second time he moves at the dairy.
  • After Thomas crashes into Bert, his flatbed disappears.
  • When Thomas looks at the cheese, his eyes are misaligned.
  • When Thomas arrives at the docks, Diesel's face is partially crooked.


In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Thomas e o Queijo Malcheiroso
Chinese Mandarin 托马斯和臭奶酪
Czech Tomáš a smradlavý sýr
Danish Thomas og de Stinkende Oste
Dutch Thomas en de Stinkende Kaas
Finnish Haiseva juusto
German Thomas und der Stinkekäse
Hungarian Thomas és a büdös sajt
Indonesian Thomas dan keju yang berbau asam
Japanese トーマスとくさいチーズ
Korean 냄새 고약한 치즈 소동
Norwegian Thomas og den stinkende osten
Polish Tomek i Śmierdzący Ser
Portuguese Thomas e a quiejo fedido
Romanian Thomas și Brânza Mirositoare
Russian Томас и вонючий сыр
Spanish Thomas y el Queso Apestoso
Swedish Thomas och den stinkande osten

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