Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the US/Canadian DVD, the South African/Malaysian DVD, the Indonesian VCD, the Japanese DVD or the magazine story.
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"You were right, Henry. In future, I shall leave pulling the heavy loads to you."
― Thomas

Thomas and the Toy Shop, retitled Thomas and the Toy Workshop on one North American release, is the ninth episode of the ninth series.


It is the Christmas season, and Thomas is excited for the grand opening of the new toy shop at Knapford station, as he has been helping to deliver all of the toys. On the day of the grand opening, the Fat Controller tells Henry to pick up a new machine for the toy factory from Brendam Docks and take the last load of toys to the toy shop, and Emily to take the children to the toy shop after school.

Thomas is upset that he was not asked to help with the grand opening of the toy shop, but his chance comes when the stationmaster at Dryaw informs Thomas that Emily has broken down and tells him to pick up the children. After Thomas finishes all his jobs, he collects Annie and Clarabel from Knapford and sets off to collect the children. But on the way, he sees that Henry is still at the docks because his track is blocked by a crate that has slipped off Cranky's hook. Thomas has an idea to take both the toys and the children to the toy shop, but Henry says that Thomas will not be able to pull all of the toys as well as his coaches. Thomas is sure he can do it, so he goes on to try it and see what happens.

Thomas arrives at the toy factory and collects the toys. But upon reaching Gordon's Hill, Thomas cannot make it to the top and the whole train pulls Thomas back down to the bottom of the hill. Henry arrives seeing that Thomas is in trouble and offers to help. Henry collects the toys and takes them to Knapford and Thomas collects the children. They finish their jobs and arrive at Knapford Station just in time, as the Fat Controller declares the toy shop officially open for the Christmas season.




  • Going by production order, this is the eighteenth episode of the ninth series.
  • This episode marks the only time with a few things:
    • The only ninth series episode to have its name changed for North American audiences, albeit only for one release.
    • The only appearance of the toy shop, as the sign above the windows does not appear in any other episode of the ninth series or any other series.
    • Annie and Clarabel's only speaking roles in the ninth series and their last speaking roles until the eleventh series episode, Thomas in Trouble.
    • The only episode that not aired on MiniMini from this series in Poland.
  • During the scene when the window of the toy shop is shown, a poster of Thomas from The Railway Series book Tank Engine Thomas Again is visible. In the same scene, there is also a Toys for Tots poster.
  • From this episode within the ninth series until the twelfth series, the teeth on the lower lip of Thomas' unused third series anxious face were removed to make an exhausted face.


  • When Thomas arrives at Knapford at the start, his lamp is backwards.
  • When Thomas slides down Gordon's Hill and applies his brakes, his wheels stop in the first and third angles. But in the second camera angle, they are still moving. Then, nearly at the bottom, his brakes are on.
  • In the Spanish dub, Cranky is referred to as Henry when he says, "That crate slipped off my hook!"
  • When Henry pulls up alongside Thomas at the foot of Gordon's Hill, a steam platform is visible.


In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Thomas e a Loja de Brinquedos
Chinese Mandarin 托马斯和玩具店
Croatian Tomica i dućan s igračkama
Czech Tomáš a hračkářství
Danish Thomas og legetøjsbutikken
Dutch Thomas en de Speelgoedwinkel
Finnish Tuomas ja lelukauppa
French Thomas et les Jouets
German Thomas und der Spielzeugladen
Greek Στο εργαςτήριο παιχνίδιων
Hungarian Thomas és a játékbolt
Italian Thomas e il Negozio di Giocattoli
Japanese トーマスとおもちゃやさん
Korean 장난감 가게
Latin American Spanish Thomas y la Juguetería
Norwegian Thomas og leketøysbutikken
Polish Tomek i Sklep z Zabawkami
Portuguese Thomas e a Loja de Brinquedos
Romanian Thomas și Magazinul de Jucării
Russian Томас и магазин игрушек
Scottish Gaelic Tòmas Agus A' Bhuth Dheideagan
Spanish Thomas y la Tienda de Juguetes
Swedish Thomas och leksaksaffären
Turkish Thomas ve Oyuncak Atölyesi

Home Media Releases


DVD Packs


DVD Packs


  • The Complete Series 9

DVD Packs



DVD Boxsets






DVD Boxsets





  • Thomas and the Toy Shop


