For other uses, see Thomas and the Trucks (disambiguation). |
Thomas and the Trucks (Danish: Thomas og godsvognene) is a 1998 Danish VHS release featuring ten first series episodes narrated by Povl Dissing.
Hvis du ikke allerede kender Lokomotivet Thomas fra TV, har du nu chancen for at lære ham at kende. Thomas er et frækt lille lokomotiv med 6 hjul, der bor på en jernbanestation på øen Sordor sammen med sine venner.
Thomas kan godt lide at drille de andre lokomotiver lidt, men han er også klar til at gi' en hjælpende hånd, når der er problemer. Nok er Thomas lille, men ingen arbejder så hårdt som Thomas - og han er stærk som et voksent lokomotiv, mener han i hvert fald selv.
Følg Thomas og hans venner i deres sjove oplevelser og eventyr! Videofilmene kan ses uafhængigt af hinanden og er selvfølgelig med den originale danske tale!
English Translation
If you don't already know Thomas the Locomotive from TV, now's your chance to get to know him. Thomas is a cheeky little 6-wheeled locomotive who lives in a railway station on the Island of Sordor with his friends.
Thomas likes to tease the other locomotives a bit but he's also ready to lend a helping hand when there are problems. Thomas may be small but no one works as hard as Thomas - and he is as strong as a grown-up locomotive, at least in his own opinion.
Follow Thomas and his friends in their fun adventures! The videos can be watched independently of each other and are of course with the original Danish voiceover!
- Thomas og Gordon (Thomas and Gordon)
- Edward og Gordon (Edward and Gordon)
- Henrys sørgelige historie (The Sad Story of Henry)
- Edward, Gordon og Henry (Edward, Gordon and Henry)
- Da Thomas trak et tog (Thomas' Train)
- Thomas og godsvognene (Thomas and the Trucks)
- Thomas og hjælpetoget (Thomas and the Breakdown Train)
- James og passagervognene (James and the Coaches)
- Besværlige vogne (Troublesome Trucks)
- James og eksprestoget (James and the Express)
- This is the first Thomas VHS released in Denmark.
- The cover features an image from Thomas Gets Bumped.
- The spine features a cutout of Thomas from The Runaway.
- The back cover features an image from James and the Coaches.
- This is one of two VHS tapes released by Marketing Group Europe, the other being Thomas, Terence and the Snow.
- This VHS and the next one are the only VHS tapes released in Denmark to include opening and end credits of every episode.
- The back cover misspells Sodor as "Sordor".
- On the back cover:
- The episodes are copyrighted 1986, when they are actually from 1984.
- Trine Lossius Borg is mistakenly credited as narrator instead of Povl Dissing.