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For other uses, see Thomas in Trouble (disambiguation).
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“Where's your cowcatcher?"
"But I don't catch cows, sir.”
― The policeman and Thomas

Thomas in Trouble, retitled Thomas Breaks the Rules on North American releases, is the twenty-second episode of the first series. It is based on the story of the same name from The Railway Series book Toby the Tram Engine.


One day, Thomas is leaving the quarry at the end of his branch line with some trucks and his coaches. The rails here run alongside the road, so Thomas is always careful at this point in his run and whistles to make sure no one is in his way. Thomas sees a new policeman by the crossing and, having been friends with the previous constable who has just retired, he whistles to him in greeting. Unfortunately, the policeman is not in the mood to be friendly.


"But I don't catch cows, sir."

The policeman first complains about engines whistling after remarking that he did not get any sleep the night before and then tells Thomas that he is breaking the law by not having any cowcatchers or side plates fitted, making Thomas very cross. Thomas' driver protests, stating that they have been along the road many times before without an accident but the policeman says that it only makes the situation worse and brands Thomas a "regular law breaker" in his notebook. Thomas sadly continues on to the station.

During breakfast, the Fat Controller receives a phone call informing him of Thomas' run-in with the police. He heads to the junction and tries to reason with the policeman, who tells him that the law is unchangeable. Giving up on the argument, the Fat Controller decides to equip Thomas with cowcatchers. Thomas worries that people will compare him to a tram. This comment reminds the Fat Controller of Toby, the tram engine he met while on holiday. Knowing that Toby's line has lost its business to buses and lorries, he writes to Toby's controller, asking to send him to his railway.

A few days later, Toby arrives and is greeted by the Fat Controller. Toby has brought his coach, Henrietta, who was going to be turned into a henhouse and the Fat Controller allows her to stay as well. Toby proves to be exceptional at handling trucks and, although Thomas is jealous at first, they readily become good friends when Toby uses his bell to frighten the policeman as payback for being mean to Thomas.




  • A portrait of Earnest, a Victorian-style steam engine with a moustache, can be seen inside Topham Hall.
  • This is Toby's last episode with a leading role until the third series episode Mavis.
  • In the scene where the Fat Controller is talking on the phone, the voice on the other end is actually a sped-up snippet of dialogue from a later scene in the episode, specifically, the one where the Fat Controller argues with the policeman. This was used again in Off the Rails, along with several other quotes from this episode.
  • Stock footage from the original version of Thomas' Train was used in the original version. The restored version of both episodes replace said shot with a different one where Thomas has a different happy face. A deleted scene from Coal is used as well.
  • The shot of Thomas puffing away sadly was used in the intro for Storytime with Thomas, albeit with Thomas' happy face edited over his scared one. Footage from other episodes of Thomas & Friends, as well as Magic Adventures of Mumfie (another television series created by Britt Allcroft), is visible on the sides of the trucks he is pulling.
  • This was the last first series episode introduced by Matthew Kelly before his departure from Children's ITV. However, Matthew would later introduce the entire second series in 1986.
  • The scene where Thomas is very cross with the policeman has become a popular internet meme.
  • When this episode and Toby and the Stout Gentleman were released on Curiosity Stream in 2024, the episode's format was stretched to 16:9 widescreen and the UK narration was used.


  • In the restored version, during the first close-up of Thomas, his wheels do not move for the first two seconds of the shot.
  • When Thomas stops and talks to policeman, the top right corner of his tank has a chip in it.
  • When Thomas' driver says, "Rubbish! We've been along here hundreds of times and never had an accident," the brim of his cap is coming off and there is also a hole in his chin.
  • The words "regular law breaker" are already written in the policeman's notebook before Thomas' driver says that they had travelled along the line before. This is corrected in the original version by blurring the shot but not in the 2003 restored version.
  • Clarabel is facing the wrong way when Thomas puffs away from the policeman and when Toby passes Elsbridge at the end.
  • In the first shot of Elsbridge Station, one of the stairs is crooked.
  • During the confrontation between the Fat Controller and the policeman, Thomas' crew can both be seen inside his cab and on the Elsbridge platform.
  • When the Fat Controller talks to the policeman, the brim of his top hat has several chips in it.
  • When Thomas says, "They'll say I'll look like a tram," the bush beside him moves slightly and his smokebox saddle is cracked, there is a gap between his right eye (viewer's left) and face and his eyebrows are also peeling off.
  • Before Toby passes Thomas, the track in front of him wobbles.
  • In the Serbian dub, Ringo Starr's narration can be heard in the background.
  • When Thomas puffs away from the policeman, studio equipment is visible at the top left.

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Albanian Tomasi ka telashe
Brazilian Portuguese Thomas desrespeita a lei
Chinese Mandarin 托马斯有麻烦了
Croatian Tomica u nevolji
Czech Tomáš má potíže
Danish Thomas i knibe
Dutch Thomas in de nesten
Finnish Tuomas-veturi vaikeuksissa
French Thomas a des ennuis
German Thomas in Not
Hebrew תומס בצרות
Hungarian Thomas bajba kerül
Italian Thomas nei guai
Japanese トーマスとけいさつかん
Korean 토마스와 토비의 만남
Latin American Spanish Thomas rompe las reglas
Norwegian Thomas i trøbbel
Polish Kłopoty Tomka
Romanian Thomas are necazuri
Romansh Tumasch en difficultads
Russian Томас в беде
Serbian Tomas u nevolji
Slovak Thomas má problémy
Slovenian Tomaž se znajde v težavah
Swedish Thomas i trubbel
Thai โธมัสถูกตำรวจเรียกตรวจ
Ukrainian У Томаса неприємності
Welsh Tomos a'r Plismon Newydd



Ladybirdbook5 Toby and the Stout Gentleman and Thomas in Trouble (1985 Ladybird book)
ThomasinTrouble(BuzzBook) Thomas in Trouble (1990 UK/Australian Buzz Book)
ThomasinTrouble(boardbook) Thomas in Trouble (1992 Octopus Book)

Magazine Story

ThomasinTrouble(magazinestory)3 Thomas in Trouble (1988 magazine story)

Home Video Releases

United Kingdom UK

FurtherAdventuresofThomastheTankEngine&Friends(Cassette2)VHScover Further Adventures of Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends (Cassette 2)
Coalandotherstories1985release Coal and Other Stories
ThomasandtheBreakdownTrainandotherstories Thomas and the Breakdown Train and Other Stories
BumperSpecial Bumper Special
ThomasGetsBumpedand17OtherStories Thomas Gets Bumped and 17 Other Stories
PlayTimeVHS Playtime
TheCompleteFirstSeriesVHS The Complete First Series
MyLittleThomasandTobyAdventures My Little Thomas and Toby Adventures
ThomasinTroubleDVD Thomas in Trouble

United Kingdom UK VHS/DVD Packs

TroublesomeTrucks,CoalandOtherStoriesCover Troublesome Trucks, Coal and Other Stories
MyLittleThomas&FriendsVolume12002VHSBoxset My Little Thomas & Friends Volume 1
ClassicCollectionSeasons1-5boxset Classic Collection

Wales WAL

LettingOffSteamand8OtherStories Letting Off Steam and 8 Other Stories

Australia AUS

CoalandOtherStories1987AustralianCover Coal and Other Stories
PlaytimeAustraliancover Playtime
TheCompleteFirstSeriesAustralianDVDcover Series One
MyFirstThomaswithTobyandEdward My First Thomas with Toby and Edward

Australia AUS DVD Packs

AustralianS1-5Collection Classic Collection: Series 1 - 5
SeriesOneandTwoAustralianDoublePack Series One and Series Two 2-Disc Collection
CompleteSeries1-10 The Complete Series 1-10

New Zealand NZ

PercyRunsAwayandOtherStoriesNewZealandVHScover Percy Runs Away and Other Stories
CoalNZCover Coal and Other Stories
Playtime (Stories, Sing-along Songs and Things to Make and Do) Playtime
BumperVideoCollectionVolume2Cover Bumper Video Collection Volume 2
TrainSetCompilationVolume2Cover Thomas Train Set Compilation Video Volume 2


ThomasBreakstheRulesVHS Thomas Breaks the Rules and Other Stories (Ringo Starr's US dub)
ThomasandHisFriendsHelpOutVHScover Thomas and His Friends Help Out
ABigDayforThomas1998VHScover A Big Day for Thomas
Thomas'UsefulStoriesVHScover Thomas' Useful Stories (Blockbuster-exclusive)
TheEarlyYears The Early Years (UK dub)
QuarryAdventuresonSodorcover Quarry Adventures on Sodor
NoImagePlaceholder Thomas & Friends Volume 1
ThomasandFriendsClassicVolume1 Thomas & Friends Classic Volume 1

Canada CAN

ThomasBreakstheRulesVHS Thomas Breaks the Rules and Other Stories (Ringo Starr's US dub)
ThomasandHisFriendsHelpOutVHScover Thomas and His Friends Help Out
ABigDayForThomas2003VHS A Big Day for Thomas
TheEarlyYears The Early Years (UK dub)


SpecialVideoCollector'sSet Special Video Collector's Set
TotallyThomasVolume3(2004) Totally Thomas! Volume 3
TrustThomasandABigDayforThomasDoubleFeatureRe-release Trust Thomas/A Big Day for Thomas Double Feature
TracksideTunesandThomasandHisFriendsHelpOutDoubleFeature Trackside Tunes/Thomas and His Friends Help Out Double Feature
TotallyThomasVolume4 Totally Thomas Volume 4
UltimateThomasCollection Ultimate Thomas Collection

South Africa ZA

DowntheMineSouthAfricanVHScover Down the Mine (Volume Two)

India IND

ThomasandBertieAdventures Thomas and Bertie Adventures

Malaysia MYS

TobyandtheStoutGentlemanandotherThomasAdventures Toby and the Stout Gentleman and Other Thomas Adventures (Volume 4) (VCD)
TendersandTurntablesandOtherAdventuresMalaysianDVDcover Tenders and Turntables and Other Adventures (DVD)

Philippines PHL

TheFlyingKipperPhilippineCover(VCD) The Flying Kipper

Mexico Argentina Chile LATAM

ThomasandhisFriendsHelpOutLatinAmericanDVD Thomas in Action Again

Brazil BRA

HelpingtheFriends Helping the Friends

Italy ITA

TheGrumblingLocomotiveItalianDVDcover The Grumbling Locomotive

France FRA

TheMagicofSodorVHScover The Magic of Sodor (VHS)
TheTalkativeTrains The Talkative Trains (DVD)

Romania ROM

ThomasandPercyRomanianDVDCover Thomas and Percy

Romania ROM DVD Boxset

TriplePack1 Triple Pack 1

Netherlands NL

TheGreatRace!VHSfrontcover The Great Race!
DoubleFeature1cover Double Feature 1
TheGreatestStoriesTheAdventuresofThomascover The Greatest Stories: The Adventures of Thomas

Netherlands NL DVD Packs

ThomasDoubleDVDfrontcover Thomas Double DVD
Thomasdoublebox2dutch 2 DVD Double Box: Thomas Goes Fishing and Calling All Engines!

Germany GER

TobyandtheElegantGentlemanand4OtherAdventures Toby and the Elegant Gentleman and 4 Other Adventures (direct-to-VHS)
ThomasandhisFriendsVol.3VHSCover Thomas & Friends Volume 3
ThomasinTroubleGermanDVDcover Thomas in Trouble

Norway NOR

ThomastheTankEngine2NorwegianVHScover Thomas the Tank Engine 2
Thomas-FestivalNorwegianVHS Thomas-Festival

Denmark DK

ThomasinTrouble(DanishDVD) Thomas in Trouble and Other Stories

Sweden Finland SWE/FIN

Thomas in Trouble (Swedish VHS) ThomasLocomotiveTroubleFinnishDVD Thomas in Trouble

Iceland ICE

IcelandicThomas02 Thomas the Tank Engine 2

Slovenia SVN

ThomasandtheGuardSlovenianVHScover Thomas and the Guard

Croatia HRV

ThomasinTrouble(CroatianDVD) Thomas in Trouble

Serbia SRP

ThomastheTankEngine2SerbianDVD Thomas & Friends 2

Greece GRC

TheAdventuresofThomasVHS The Adventures of Thomas (VHS)
AWonderfulTripDVD A Wonderful Ride (DVD)

Greece GRC DVD Boxset

3DVDBoxset1 3 DVD Boxset 1

Turkey TUR

BraveHeroTurkishVCDcover Brave Hero (VCD)
BraveHeroandHelloThomasTurkishDVDcover Brave Hero and Hello Thomas (DVD)

Israel ISR

TheClassicCollectionTheBestAdventuresofThomastheTankEngineHebrewDVDset The Classic Collection: The Best Adventures of Thomas the Tank Engine

Thailand THA

ThomasandFriendsVolume4ThaiDVDCover Thomas & Friends Volume 4

Japan JPN

Thomas'ChristmasParty(JapaneseVHS)cover Thomas' Christmas Party (rental-exclusive)
Thomas The Tank Engine Volume 5 1991 VHS Thomas the Tank Engine Volume 5
The Complete Works of Thomas the Tank Engine 1 Vol.1 2000 DVD The Complete Works of Thomas the Tank Engine 1 Volume 1
TobyandEdwardtheLittleEnginesDVDcover Toby and Edward the Little Engines
StartledinSpiteofOneself Startled in Spite of Oneself

Japan JPN DVD Boxset

ThomastheTankEngine(8DVDBoxSet)cover The Complete DVD Box 1

China CHN

ThomasSeason1-4DVD Thomas & Friends Season 1-4

Hong Kong HK

Thomas&FriendsVolume3HongKongVCDcover Thomas & Friends Volume 3 (VCD)
ThomasandFriendsVolume12HongKongDVDFrontCover Thomas & Friends Volume 12 (DVD)


