Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
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This article is about the Norwegian VHS/DVD. You may be looking for the Serbian DVD, the episode, the magazine story, or the Philippine DVD.

Thomas the Tank Engine 3 (later renamed A Friend in Need) is a Norwegian/Finnish/Icelandic/Swedish VHS/DVD featuring four first series episodes and seven second series episodes. It was renamed Thomas and Trevor and Other Stories for Finnish audiences.


  1. Dirty Objects
  2. Off the Rails
  3. Down the Mine
  4. Thomas' Christmas Party
  5. Thomas, Percy and the Coal
  6. Cows
  7. Bertie's Chase
  8. Saved from Scrap
  9. Old Iron
  10. Thomas and Trevor
  11. Percy and the Signal



  • On the Norwegian/Swedish release, Dirty Objects, Off the Rails, Down the Mine and Thomas' Christmas Party are mistakenly copyrighted 1986, when they are actually from 1984.
  • Ringo Starr is credited in the intro.
  • On the Norwegian DVD Chapter Selection 1 menu, an image from The Sad Story of Henry is mistakenly used for Down the Mine.