For other uses, see Thomas Comes to Breakfast (disambiguation). |
Thomas the Tank Engine 4 is a 1994 Norwegian VHS featuring eleven second series episodes. It was re-released in Norway on VHS in 1998 and on DVD in 2005 under the title Thomas Comes to Breakfast. It was also released on VHS in Sweden in 1999 and 2001 and on DVD in Finland in 2007.
Filmene om "Lokomotivet Thomas og vennene hans" bygger på en bestselger innen britisk barnelitteratur. Filmene er mottatt med storm i hele verden ikke minst i Norge hvor Thomas har hatt kjempesuksess på Barne-TV!
Thomas er et lite lokomotiv, men kvikk og freidig. Han bor på jernbanestasjonen på fantasiøya Sodor. Lokomotivstallen må han dele med flere større lokomotiver — Gordon, Edward, Henry, James og Toby. Men ingen arbeider så hardt som Thomas, det mener han selv i hvert fall. Derfor liker han godt å erte de andre, når de sukker og klager: Aldri en hvil, aldri en hvil!
Nå har du anledning til å bli kjent med Thomas og alle de andre på jernbanen i Sodor hvor lokomotiver og vogner av og til tørner sammen, men alltid blir gode venner til slutt.
Det finnes til nå 4 filmer i Thomas-serien. Start samlingen i dag!
English Translation
The films about "Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends" are based on a bestseller in British children's literature. The films have been received by storm all over the world, not least in Norway, where Thomas has been a huge success on children's TV!
Thomas is a small locomotive, but quick-witted and cheeky. He lives at the railway station on the fantasy Island of Sodor. He has to share the engine shed with several larger locomotives - Gordon, Edward, Henry, James and Toby. But no one works as hard as Thomas, or so he thinks. That's why he likes to tease the others when they sigh and complain: "We get no rest, we get no rest!"
Now you have the opportunity to get to know Thomas and all the others on the railway in Sodor, where engines and coaches sometimes collide, but always become good friends in the end.
There are currently 4 films in the Thomas series. Start your collection today!
Filmene om "Lokomotivet Thomas og vennene hans" bygger på en bestselger innen britisk barnelitteratur. Serien er mottatt med storm i hele verden ikke minst i Norge hvor Thomas har hatt kjempesuksess på Barne-TV! Her møter du igjen Lokomotivet Thomas og alle hans venner.
English Translation
The films about "Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends" are based on a bestseller in British children's literature. The series has been received by storm all over the world, not least in Norway, where Thomas has been a huge success on children's TV! Here you meet Thomas the Tank Engine and all his friends again.
Thomas Tåget och hans vänner bygger på en storsäljare inom brittisk barnlitteratur. Serien har mottagits med storm över hela världen. Nu kan du se Thomas Tåget och hans vänner på film gång på gång!
English Translation
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends is based on a bestseller in British children's literature. The series has been received by storm all over the world. Now you can watch Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends on film again and again!Episodes
- Duck Takes Charge
- Percy and Harold
- The Runaway
- Percy Takes the Plunge
- Pop Goes the Diesel
- Dirty Work
- A Close Shave
- Better Late than Never
- Break Van
- The Deputation
- Thomas Comes to Breakfast
- The cover of the 1994 Norwegian VHS release features an image from Trust Thomas similar to the UK Escape and Other Stories VHS cover.
- The cover of the 1998 Norwegian VHS and all Swedish VHS releases feature an image from Percy's Promise.
- On the cover of the 1994 Norwegian VHS release, Thomas' eyes are misaligned.
- The information of A Close Shave wrongfully states that Duck is chasing some runaway trucks, when it was actually the other way around.
In Other Languages
Language | Title |
Finnish | Tuomas tulee aamiaiselle |
Norwegian | Lokomotivet Thomas og vennene hans 4 (1994) Thomas kommer til frokost (1998 VHS, 2005 DVD) |
Swedish | Thomas kommer till frukost |