Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
Thomas & Friends

This article is about the yards. You may be looking for the sheds.

Tidmouth Yards is a large yard located near Tidmouth.


Thomas & Friends[]

In the television series, Tidmouth Yards is located next to the station. It first appeared in the second series. Originally, it had one coal hopper, however as of the third series this appears to have been upgraded to two. The yard also contains a turntable as well as Tidmouth Yard Sheds and The Tidmouth Stationmaster's House. Once, Oliver was pushed into the turntable well here by some Troublesome Trucks.


  • In the third series, one of the sets is redressed from the set of Upper Brendam.
  • The brown building, the three-berth garage, a crane, a water tower, a tower from Ballantine's the large Fuel Depot tanks, the fuel barge tanks from TUGS can be seen in the yard in the third series.
  • The brown building, the three-berth garage, the twin berth warehouse, the double berth shed, a crane, a water tower, a Bigg City Port building and the steel rig from TUGS can be seen in the yard in Oliver Owns Up.

