Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

"That's Tiger Moth! It's rude and flies much too low!"
― Harold telling Topham about Tiger Moth[src]

Tiger Moth is a yellow and red biplane, who is described to be reckless and daring.


Tiger Moth was rude and had a tendency to fly dangerously low on the ground. He once did a dangerous trick above the Fat Controller and his family while they were on holiday. However, he crashed into a haystack a few days later. Harold brought the Fat Controller to the site when they were searching for him after he was reported missing, and the Fat Controller had a stern talk with his pilot, informing him that he and his plane would be grounded when he spoke to his controller about what happened.

Tiger Moth was later seen helping to promote "Harry Topper's Fair" at Tidmouth Bay by carrying a large banner behind him.


Tiger Moth did dangerous tricks to show off and was very rude, but learned his lesson after crashing into a haystack.

Technical Details


Tiger Moth was originally meant to be based on a de Havilland Tiger Moth. However, according to Robert Gauld-Galliers, due to budget constraints, Tiger Moth's model was reused from a Nieuport 17 biplane which was originally intended to be a different plane altogether called "Harry Topper's Bi-Plane"


Tiger Moth is painted yellow and red. According to concept artwork by Robert Gauld-Galliers, Tiger Moth was originally meant to be painted infra-red and matte silver.


Official Description

From Official Media:[1]

Bi-Plane: Bi-Plane, known as 'Tiger Moth' caused a lot of trouble during Sir Topham Hatt's holiday. He buzzed Harold who was taking Sir Topham Hatt and his family to their holiday home and then went missing. He was found sticking out of a haystack where he crashed - Sir Topham Hatt was so cross he grounded Tiger Moth until further notice.

Historical Note: Bi-Plane is a colourful training plane based on the classic designs of the 1930's such as the de Havilland 82 "Tiger Moth", of which over 7,000 were built, powered by a single, in-line engine. Today, they may be seen at air-shows sometimes in acrobatic displays, including a special "Tiger Ground" of nine air acrobats.

From Official Website:[2]

Tiger Moth: Tiger Moth is a bi-plane that likes to fly low and cause a big disturbance, which Harold thinks is very rude. His favourite thing to do is show off, which sometimes leads him into trouble. It is this dare-devil attitude that forced Sir Topham Hatt to ground him while he was on vacation.

Fun Fact: Tiger Moth is not only his name, but is also the type of bi-plane he is.




Non-rail vehicles

* Other Media only | --- Dropped

* David Mitton map only | ** Sam Wilkinson map only