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This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the UK/AUS/NZ VHS, the Danish DVD, the Philippine DVD or the Buzz Book.
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"Coo! The express is late and it's got two engines! I think James couldn't pull it on his own, so Toby had to help him!"
― A boy joking about James and Toby

Time for Trouble is the third episode of the third series. It is based on the story Double Header from The Railway Series book, The Eight Famous Engines.


It is a very busy time for the Fat Controller's engines, as the Island of Sodor has a lot of visitors. The Fat Controller schedules more trains to cope with the demand, with Gordon in particular having to make more journeys than usual. Gordon is eager to ensure all his trains are on time and works harder than ever to make sure this happens. Things are so hectic that at times Gordon has no sooner dropped off one load of passengers that he has to take another. Gordon does not mind this however and does his increased workload without fuss. Despite this, the Fat Controller soon decides that Gordon deserves a rest and James will take the express instead. James is delighted at the chance to show off and be as fast as Gordon.

One day in the yard, James boasts to Toby about how important he is and how he is never late. The Fat Controller arrives and tells Toby it is time for him to go to the Works to have his worn parts replaced. Toby is upset at having to go for repairs and asks if Henrietta can come with him but the Fat Controller states that he needs all coaches to be available. Percy promises to look after Henrietta while Toby is gone.

Toby puffs away to the Works on the Main Line but he starts to make some clanking sounds. Since he has a smaller water tank than most of the other engines, he soon feels thirsty. He is glad when he starts to approach Lower Tidmouth and stops to take on water, as he and his driver do not think it will be a problem. However, the signalman, who is new to the job, has never met Toby and he orders him to continue on and clear the line for James and the express. Toby sadly leaves and struggles to Knapford to replenish but runs out of steam and is left stranded on the main line.

Toby's fireman knows they have to warn James about the blockage on the line and Percy comes by with Henrietta. Although she hates leaving Toby stranded, Percy cheers her up by saying she is helping Toby by carrying the fireman. The fireman reaches the station in time and tells James' crew what has happened. The signalman apologises for causing the trouble while James is angry, knowing this will make him late and he fumes when his driver tells him he will need to push Toby as well as pull the express.

James finds Toby and gives him a bump before starting to push him along. James works harder than ever, having to push the tram engine and pull his own train at the same time and by the time he reaches Knapford, he is exhausted. Some children on the platform see this and one boy jokes that as the express is late and James is tired, it must mean that he could not pull it alone and needed Toby's help. Toby assures James the children are only teasing but James does not find it amusing at all and sarcastically laughs as he vanishes in a cloud of steam, while Toby just smiles.




  • This episode was originally planned to be a part of the second series, picking up following the events of Gordon Goes Foreign. The script for this early version of the episode was leaked in 2022; in this version, the episode would have been titled the same name as The Railway Series story it is based on, Double Header.
  • In the opening, a brake van is behind Clarabel. This is possibly because either the film crew forgot to uncouple it or they did not have time after filming scenes for the previous episode.
  • In the original UK dub, the additional line of James saying "Look at me! I'm the smartest, most useful engine on the line" is reused in the original UK dub of No Joke for James.
  • In multiple promotional images:
    • When Percy comes to Toby's rescue, he is on the line next to Toby and coming from the same direction rather than the opposite.
    • Toby is seen going under the bridge instead of over it.
    • Gordon is crossing the viaduct in the opposite direction.
    • The scenes of James boasting to Toby about pulling the express and the Fat Controller telling Toby to go to the works to have his worn parts mended were shown to originally take place at Tidmouth Sheds, as shown in three images, two of which show Toby looking cross while in the sheds with James. At the same time, this also marks the first time Toby's new angry face is used, which would not appear on-screen until the fourth series episode Granpuff.
  • In the restored version, the scene of Toby leaving the yard after Percy talks to him at the water tower is extended.
  • This episode was broadcast the day after Thomas and the Hurricane was published.
  • Pre-filmed deleted and extended scenes from the next episode are used.
  • Gordon's line when he leaves the station is the same as Gordon Goes Foreign.
  • This is the only time a brake van is seen at the end of Thomas' passenger train until the twenty-fourth series special, A New Arrival.
  • This episode marks the only speaking role of the New Signalman and his final appearance.
  • Percy's whistle is at a slightly lower pitch in this episode. It would return to its normal pitch in Thomas, Percy and the Dragon, then resume the lower pitch in Toby's Tightrope and would stay that way for the rest of the series.
  • This episode aired two weeks after the previous episode due to Budget Day on 10 March 1992 in the UK.
  • The JEI TV version of the Korean dub adds subtitles to inform viewers what water towers are.
  • In the scene of Gordon and James at Tidmouth Sheds, the former has his original first series annoyed face before it had the eyebrows modified to resemble a concerned or speechless face in the next episode.


  • In the opening shot:
    • Clarabel is facing the wrong way.
    • Edward's eyes are misaligned and also do not move at the same time.
    • The brake van that Thomas has wobbles slightly.
  • When Gordon calls out to the coaches in the beginning of the episode, his eyes are misaligned.
  • The Fat Controller and Toby's conversation is out of sync in the later UK dub.
  • When Toby came to a stop next to Percy at the water tower, his puffing sound effect was still playing.
  • Due to portions of script was taken word to word from the original book, when Toby was passing the Dryaw Canal Runby, the narrator states was he was out on the Main Line, despite the area is located on the Ffarquhar Branch Line near Dryaw.
  • In the close-up of Toby's water tank, the colour of his wood is brighter than it normally is.
  • Toby starts to move before James does, even though he has no steam. In addition, steam can be seen coming out of his funnel in the restored version.
  • When Toby's fireman says "Please, take me back to the station. It's an emergency," the faded marks of where a smile had been visible behind his frown.
  • the line "Please, take me back to the station. It's an emergency" is said by Henrietta instead of Toby's fireman in the Finnish Dub.


Narrator: The Island of Sodor had many visitors and the Fat Controller had scheduled more trains. Gordon the Big Engine had to work harder than ever before.
Gordon: [to his coaches] Come on! Come on, come on, come on! The passengers rely on me to be on time.
Narrator: Whenever Gordon finished one journey it was time for another to begin.
(The guard blows his whistle)
Gordon: Never mind. I like a long run to stretch my wheels.

James: Look at me, I'm the smartest, most useful engine on the line! You know, little Toby, I'm an important engine. Everyone knows it. I'm as regular as clockwork. Never late, always on time. That's me!
Toby: Says you!
[The Fat Controller shows up]
The Fat Controller: Your parts are worn Toby, so you must go to the Works to be mended.
Toby: Can I take Henrietta, sir?
The Fat Controller: No. What would the passengers do without her?
Percy: Don't worry Toby. I'll take care of Henrietta until you get back.

[after James manages to make the last station and push Toby simultaneously on the same line]
One of the Children: Coo! The express is late and it's got two engines! I think James couldn't pull it on his own, so Toby had to help him.
Toby: Never mind, James. They're only joking.
James: [crossly] HA HA!!
Narrator (Early versions): Toby just smiled.

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese Tempo para problema
Chinese Mandarin 倒霉的时间
Czech Cas na potize
Danish Nu bli'r der ballade
Dutch Moeilijkheden
Finnish Veturi vaikeuksissa
French Petit problème technique
German Zeit für Ärger
Greek Δύσκολα τα πράγματα
Hungarian Toby bajba kerül
Italian Aria di guai
Japanese ほめられなかったジェームス
Korean 토비와 제임스의 시간 지키기 (DVD Acadamy)
제임스와 토비 (JEI TV)
Latin American Spanish James en problemas
Norwegian Nå blir det trøbbel
Polish Kłopoty
Romanian Timpul pentru probleme
Russian Когда приходит беда
Serbian Vreme je za nevolju
Slovenian Nesreča nikoli ne počiva
Swedish Nu blir det bråk
Turkish Bela Zamanı
Ukrainian Пора клопотів
Welsh Helynt a Hanner


Home Video Releases


UK DVD Boxset and Pack




  • ThomasPercyandtheDragonVHS Thomas, Percy and the Dragon and Other Stories (Direct-to Home-Video)
  • BestofJamesVHS Best of James



  • Time for Trouble and Other Stories (Direct-to-VHS)
  • The Biggest Ever Christmas Collection
  • Series Three











GER DVD Boxset







GRC DVD Boxset




JPN DVD Boxset





