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"'Hello, Toby! Why are you looking at old tin cans?"
― Whiff

Toby's Special Surprise is the seventh episode of the twelfth series.


One spring morning, Toby greets his friends at Tidmouth Sheds. The Fat Controller is giving the engines their orders for today, but, while all the others get important jobs, Toby must go back to his shed at Arlesdale End to wait; his only job is to collect workmen and deliver them to Great Waterton in the afternoon. Toby is very disappointed that waiting in the shed is not a special at all.

Once back at Arlesdale End, Toby thinks that his friends have been given specials because they have found something very special, like the time Emily found the family of seals, the time Henry found a flag of Scotland, and the time Thomas rediscovered Great Waterton. So Toby decides to find something special so he can be given a special too. Taking Henrietta with him, Toby goes up into the hills. First, he sees something red in the trees and thinks it is a big red bird. But on closer inspection, it is only an old Wellington boot. Toby then spies something glittering. Thinking it is a treasure chest, Toby puffs closer, but it turns out to be a rusty trucks full of tin cans for Whiff to collect. Whiff is surprised that Toby is looking at old tin cans, which makes Toby feel silly.

Toby continues his journey, only to learn from Thomas that the Fat Controller is at Great Waterton waiting for him. Toby had completely forgotten about his job, so he quickly sets off to collect the workmen. With the workmen aboard Henrietta, Toby tries his best to get to Great Waterton, but he gets distracted again, this time by a shiny piece of metal, which is stuck in the undergrowth. Suddenly, Toby hears a hissing noise; he used up all of his coal.

Quickly, Toby tells the workmen to use their hammers to hit the metal as hard as they can while he rings his bell, to inform someone at Great Waterton that they are in trouble. Fortunately, Whiff and the Fat Controller are at Great Waterton and hear the noise. The Fat Controller climbs onto Whiff's footplate and they set off to find Toby. Once they arrive, Toby tells the Fat Controller that he does not feel special, but the Fat Controller reminds Toby that, as the only steam tram on Sodor, he is special.

Later, Edward arrives with Rocky to take the old metal from the undergrowth to the Smelters. However, the Fat Controller realises that the old metal is very special indeed; Toby has found the old sign of the Sodor Tramways. This makes Toby very happy and very proud.





  • When Toby collects the workmen, there are three, but when he runs out of coal, there are only two.
  • When the engines say "Good morning!" to Toby, their faces are not positioned correctly and the Fat Controller's car door can be heard, but he was already out when Toby arrived at the sheds.
  • The narrator said Whiff was taking the truck of cans to the rubbish yard, but it was seen at Great Waterton when Whiff and the Fat Controller knew that Toby was in trouble.


In Other Languages

Language Title
Brazilian Portuguese A Surpresa Especial de Toby
Chinese Mandarin 托比的惊喜
Czech Tobyho speciální překvapení
Finnish Topin Hieno Yllätys
French Toby se sent à l'écart
German Tobys Überraschung
Indonesian Kejutan Istimewa Toby
Italian La Sorpresa Speciale di Toby
Korean 토비의 특별한 발견 (Kids 1)
토비의 아주 특별한 선물 (EBS)
Latin American Spanish La Sorpresa Especial de Toby
Polish Niezwykła Niespodzianka Tobika

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