Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

Totally Thomas! Volume 2 is a US and Canadian DVD boxset featuring three previously released DVDs.


  1. Thomas and His Friends Get Along and Other Thomas Adventures
  2. Races, Rescues and Runaways and Other Thomas Adventures
  3. Salty's Secret and Other Thomas Adventures


Thomas and His Friends Get Along and Other Thomas Adventures

  1. Old Iron
  2. James in a Mess
  3. Duck Takes Charge
  4. Down the Mine
  5. The Runaway
  6. Better Late than Never
  7. Tenders and Turntables
  8. Percy Proves a Point
  9. Trust Thomas
  10. Percy and the Signal

Races, Rescues and Runaways and Other Thomas Adventures

  1. Toby and the Flood
  2. Put Upon Percy
  3. Horrid Lorry
  4. Bye George!
  5. Something in the Air
  6. Oliver's Find

Salty's Secret and Other Thomas Adventures

  1. Salty's Secret
  2. Harvey to the Rescue
  3. No Sleep for Cranky
  4. The Fogman
  5. A Bad Day for Harold
  6. Elizabeth the Vintage Quarry Truck


  1. Thomas' Anthem
  2. Accidents Will Happen
  3. Come for the Ride
  4. James the Really Splendid Engine



