Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
Thomas & Friends

For other uses, see Trevor.

"My master would send us from farm to farm. We'd thresh corn, haul logs, and did lots of other work. The children loved to see us! Oh, yes, I like children."
― Trevor[src]

Trevor is a traction engine who resides at the Wellsworth Vicarage Orchard and driven by Jem Cole. He is owned by the Vicar of Wellsworth.


Trevor used to work on farms doing odd jobs like threshing corn and sawing timber, but his owner thought he was an old-fashioned tractor and sent him to Crocks Scrap Yard. Edward luckily befriended him and convinced the Vicar of Wellsworth to purchase him. Trevor now lives in the Wellsworth vicarage orchard but is often borrowed by his driver Jem Cole to do odd jobs and to appear at various events such as steam fairs.[2]

Sometime after that, Trevor had little work to do, so Edward took him to Thomas' junction, where Thomas took him to work at the New Harbour. At the end of the day, Thomas took Trevor back to the junction and told him that he would visit him if he could and that the vicar now had more work for him to do in the orchard, but he may be needed at the harbour again someday.[1]

Edward and Trevor once helped the vicar organise a garden party to raise money for a seaside trip for underprivileged children. On the day of the party, overnight rain had made the orchard ground too wet, so Trevor gave children rides along the nearby country lane instead. He later helped Terence rescue Bertie, who had become stuck in the mud at the orchard gate.[3]

Trevor once stalled on a level crossing with a damaged haycart, only to have Donald and Douglas collide with it.[4] A similar accident happened on May Day when Trevor was pulling a cartload of apples across the track and a blinded Gordon crashed into it before it could clear the crossing, smashing the apples in the process.[5]

Later on, he was an attraction at the Sodor Steam Fair and was later seen at a fair at Maithwaite.[6][7]

In the twentieth series, when one of Farmer McColl's cows got stuck under the bridge at the Watermill, Trevor helped to lift it out.[8]

In the twenty-second series, he received a new whistle and showed it off to Thomas and Merlin. Later that day, Percy was convinced that his new whistle was Merlin's and rushed off to tell Thomas that he had heard it before Trevor could actually show up, leaving Merlin himself - who had just arrived - very confused.[9]


Trevor is incredibly cheerful, kind and benevolent and gets along well with nearly everyone. He enjoys basking in the sunshine or dozing in his shed, but easily grows bored and unhappy if he does not have much company or enough work to do. Trevor is particularly fond of children and loves giving them rides whenever he gets the chance.

Technical Details[]


Trevor is based on a mid 1920s converted Garrett 4-cylinder compound tractor, commonly referred to as the "4CD".[10] In Thomas & Friends, Trevor is significantly larger than his basis.

Although the concept of Trevor was inspired a William Foster & Co. eight-ton Double Crank Compound (DCC) general purpose traction engine built in 1927 named Fiery Elias. It was owned by the Rev. W. Awdry's friend, the Rev. Teddy Boston. He also owned the steamroller that was the inspiration for George.


Trevor is painted dark green with red lining and wheels, a black smokebox and gold boiler bands.


Thomas & Friends

Trevor's first appearance in the CGI Series was in the "Island of Sodor" opening sequence of Series 13.


Music Videos

Learning Segments

Magazine Stories

Trevor also appeared in the magazine stories, Double Attraction, Fun With Friends, Harvest Time and Slow Down, Bertie!.

Annual Stories

Official Description[]

From Official Website:[1]

Trevor the Traction Engine: There's a touch of Coleridge's Ancient Mariner about Trevor. He's very old and enjoys dozing in the sun but, hates to be left outside for too long, and likes an opportunity to show he's still capable of a good day's work. But best of all, these days, he likes giving children rides.

Historical Note: Trevor is based on a converted Garrett 4 cylinder compound tractor from the mid 1920s.

From Official Website:[2][3]

Trevor: Trevor is an old tractor who enjoys dozing in the sun, but dislikes being left outside for too long. He loves to show that he's still very useful and capable of a good day's work. But best of all, he likes when parents bring their children to the farm, so he can give them rides around the fields.

Fun Fact: Trevor is based on a converted cylinder compound tractor from the mid 1920's.

From Official Website:[4]

Trevor the Traction Engine: Trevor is a very old tractor. He enjoys dozing in the sun, but hates to be left outside for too long. He likes to show he's still capable of a good day's work. His favorite job is giving rides to children.

Fun Fact: Trevor is based on a converted Garrett 4 cylinder compound tractor from the mid 1920's.

Audio Files[]


Only used Composers Theme Song
Series 2 Mike O'Donnell
Junior Campbell
Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party


First used Last used Sound Effect
Series 2 Series 12
Thomas the Tank Engine (Kids Station Game)
Series 20 School of Duck
Springtime for Diesel
Seeing is Believing


  • According to Abi Grant on her website, Trevor is her favourite off-rail character.
  • Trevor's model used to be on display at Drayton Manor until it was removed in July 2018.
  • A large scale model of Trevor was built for the Pack. It is now owned by ThomasTankMerch on Twitter.
  • The CGI model of Trevor was made for the thirteenth series (as seen in the US introduction segment), however he did not appear until the fifteenth series.
  • His voice actors both voice Percy in their respective dubs.
  • In the CGI series, Trevor speaks with a West Country accent in the UK dub, and with a Southern accent in the US dub.
  • Several of the whistle sounds used for Trevor are modified and reused for and from other characters:
    • Trevor's original whistle is Donald's original, but twenty-four steps higher-pitched, and also Duck's, but twenty-three steps higher-pitched. It was also used for George in the fifth series episode, Lady Hatt's Birthday Party. Trevor has the same whistle in the Thomas the Tank Engine (Kid's station game), but at a lower pitch.
    • Trevor's whistle from the twentieth series to School of Duck is Stephen's, but at one step lower-pitched. It would later be used for Hurricane.
    • Trevor's whistle from the twenty-second series episode Seeing is Believing is the same one as Vinnie's.
  • Trevor's theme tune is very similar to Warrior's theme from Tugs.
  • According to a magazine article, Trevor sometimes works on Farmer Trotter's Pig Farm.
  • In 2015, a soapbox entry based on Trevor competed at the Red Bull Soapbox Race. It returned to compete at the Bideford Soapbox Derby in 2022.[11]


"Hello, Henry!"
"You're very nice, Trevor",
puffed Henry. "But you wouldn't make a very good flagpole!"
― Trevor saying hello to Henry, Henry and the Flagpole, ninth series


Non-rail vehicles

* Other Media only | --- Dropped