Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about 'the De Agostini magazine story'. You may be looking for 'the 1993 or 2008 magazine story'.

"Ha! Ha! Those children have lost their ball;
I'll keep it and annoy them all!"
the troublesome truck

Truck Trouble is a magazine story.


One day, some children and their dog are playing in the park. One child wants to see how high he can kick the ball. He kicks it high into the air, over a tree and into a truck. The truck is delighted with the chance to be annoying and decides to keep the children's ball. Thomas is watching the entire situation and bumps the callous truck hard. The ball flies into the air, back over the tree and to the children. Thomas tells the truck off and the truck promises not to be naughty again, but at least not until another day.


“Welcome to the Steamworks, my friend!”
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