Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the Dutch DVD. You may be looking for the episode, the UK/AUS/NZ VHS, the US/Canadian VHS/DVD, the Turkish VCD, the Turkish DVD or the Buzz Book.
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Trust Thomas (Dutch: Vertrouw maar op Thomas) is a Dutch DVD featuring eleven third series episodes narrated by Erik de Zwart.

Description (2011 Re-release)


Wie kent Thomas de Stoomlocomotief niet? Het vrolijke treintje beleeft iedere dag de leukste avonturen. Kijk je meer dan anderhalf uur mee naar:

English translation

Who doesn't know Thomas the Tank Engine? The cheerful train experiences the most fun adventures every day. Watch over an hour and a half of:


  1. Thomas, Percy en de posttrein (Thomas, Percy and the Post Train)
  2. Vertrouw maar op Thomas (Trust Thomas)
  3. Mavis
  4. Toby de koorddanser (Toby's Tightrope)
  5. Edward, Trevor en het echt nuttige feest (Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party)
  6. Gezoem (Buzz, Buzz)
  7. De zee (All at Sea)
  8. Alles komt goed (One Good Turn)
  9. Kolenwagens (Tender Engines)
  10. Ontsnapt (Escape)
  11. Oliver in de val (Oliver Owns Up)



DVD Pack
