This article is about the Dutch DVD. You may be looking for the episode, the UK/AUS/NZ VHS, the US/Canadian VHS/DVD, the Turkish VCD, the Turkish DVD or the Buzz Book. |
Trust Thomas (Dutch: Vertrouw maar op Thomas) is a Dutch DVD featuring eleven third series episodes narrated by Erik de Zwart.
Description (2011 Re-release)
Wie kent Thomas de Stoomlocomotief niet? Het vrolijke treintje beleeft iedere dag de leukste avonturen. Kijk je meer dan anderhalf uur mee naar:
English translation
Who doesn't know Thomas the Tank Engine? The cheerful train experiences the most fun adventures every day. Watch over an hour and a half of:
- Thomas, Percy en de posttrein (Thomas, Percy and the Post Train)
- Vertrouw maar op Thomas (Trust Thomas)
- Mavis
- Toby de koorddanser (Toby's Tightrope)
- Edward, Trevor en het echt nuttige feest (Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party)
- Gezoem (Buzz, Buzz)
- De zee (All at Sea)
- Alles komt goed (One Good Turn)
- Kolenwagens (Tender Engines)
- Ontsnapt (Escape)
- Oliver in de val (Oliver Owns Up)
- The front covers of the 2005 and 2011 DVDs feature an image from Thomas and the Guard, and the spine covers feature an image from Thomas and the Breakdown Train.
- On the 2011 episode selection menu, Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party is listed as Edward, Toby and the Really Useful Party.
- The back cover of the 2005 release misgenders Bertie with She/Her pronouns.