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This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the Australian VHS/DVD or the magazine story.
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"Did you shunt those trucks onto the other line?"
"You said you wanted them on the other line!"
that other line! The other, other line!"
― Donald and Duck

Twin Trouble is the tenth episode of the sixth series.


One day, Donald and Douglas are chuffing down the line double heading a goods train. Further down the line at a level crossing, Trevor is stuck; he was pulling a hay cart, but one of the wheels has broken off while crossing the line, leaving the cart dangerously across the tracks. Donald sees Trevor and applies his brakes but Douglas can't see ahead, keeps going and both crash into the cart, leaving Donald to come off the rails. No one is hurt and Donald is put back on the tracks without having to be taken to be repaired but he and Douglas end up blaming each other for the accident. The twins refuse to speak to each other for the rest of the day and when the Fat Controller needs an engine to help Duck at the Smelter's Yards the next day, Donald jumps at the opportunity. Thomas gets worried about this but the twins do not listen to him as they insist they will work better alone.

Donald enjoys working with Duck at first but things soon go awry; Duck does not understand the twins' way of working, much to Donald's frustration. Meanwhile, Douglas is doing work on his own but finds himself beginning to miss Donald. Later that night, Douglas' driver takes him to visit Donald who snootily asks if he came to apologise. This brings Douglas' bad mood back.

Donald is also in a bad mood the next day and is not looking where he is going while reversing and - despite a warning from Duck - breaks through some buffers and into a ditch. His driver is cross and claims that this would not have happened if he was working with Douglas. Donald gives up and Duck, knowing he is not strong enough to pull Donald back onto the rails, hurries to get help from Douglas. Duck races into Callan Yard where he finds a depressed Douglas finishing his work and explains Donald's predicament. The news shocks Douglas who immediately departs to his brother's rescue and soon, he pulls Donald back onto the rails. Donald thanks Douglas and apologises for all their fighting but Douglas claims he is sorry. Then Donald argues back, insisting he is actually sorry. Duck chuckles and tells them to not argue about who is really sorry and to just be happy they are back together. The two brothers properly make up in the end and are glad to be together again as Duck predicted.




  • Scrap models of Thomas, Gordon, Toad, City of Truro and either Scottish twin are seen.
  • An image from this episode is used to depict Duck on the Great Western Railway in the seventeenth series episode, The Thomas Way.
  • The episode has similar plot elements to the third series episode, One Good Turn, where twins end up in an accident and leading to an argument over who is to blame for causing trouble.
  • This episode marks several things for Trevor:
    • His first speaking role since the third series episode, Buzz, Buzz.
    • His only speaking role in the sixth series.
    • His last speaking role until the ninth series episode, Henry and the Flagpole.
    • His first time as a featured character since the third series episode, Escape, if not counting cameos in previous seasons.
    • His last speaking role in the classic series.
  • In the close-ups of Donald in the bushes, a small support props him up.
  • Dialogue from this episode was later used in the twentieth series episode, Love Me Tender. Also, the events of this episode were later mentioned in the twenty-first series episode, Emily in the Middle.
  • This episode marks Donald and Douglas' only leading roles in the sixth series and their first since the third series. It is also their first time playing a lead role together since the second series, as all of their leads in the third series were individually rather than together.
  • This episode marks the first of three things:


  • Throughout the US dub, Alec Baldwin does not attempt to give Donald and Douglas their Scottish accents.
  • The French dub of this episode, there is a de-caller between the voice of the characters and the music track. this problem is easily noticeable at the end of the episode, when the end credits began while the narrator was finishing her sentence.
  • The studio is reflected in Trevor's paintwork when he hears Donald's whistle.
  • A wire is hanging beneath Donald's cab in the close-up of his wheels and Douglas' sliding across the rails. Later, a wire is also hanging underneath Douglas when he is shunting just before Duck arrives.
  • In the shot from Donald approaching the cart, a third rail is visible to his right (viewer's left).
  • When the twins crash into the cart:
    • Donald is not seen derailing, but in the next shot, he has been toppled onto his left side.
    • It is pushed on one side of the track and the hay is spilled all over the place. But in the next shot, it is on the other side and some hay and dust fell from the sky all over Trevor, Donald and Douglas.
  • In the UK dub, after Douglas says "You pulled me, you mean!", Michael Angelis still uses a Scottish accent when saying "argued Douglas!"
  • The Fat Controller's close-up figure has a small chip on his waistcoat.
  • Donald's face is crooked in the scene where he talks to Thomas, Douglas and the Fat Controller.
  • When Donald says he has "work to do", Douglas' eyes are misaligned.
  • Up until the scene when Duck tells Douglas that Donald is in trouble, his stepladder is missing.
  • Donald's left eye briefly jiggles off-centre when he stops next to Duck.
  • Just before Donald falls into the ditch:
    • Tracks can be seen behind the buffers.
    • A ball of fishing line is visible next to the track leading into the ditch.
    • Duck's left (viewer's right) eye is misaligned.
  • When Donald crashes through the buffers, his wheels are still moving for a brief period of time.
  • When Douglas says "Donald in trouble? I'm on my way!" his right (viewer's left) eye is misaligned. His eye is also misaligned when he is on Gordon's Hill.
  • Donald's front wheels remains off the track when Douglas rescued him. But in the next shot of him, his wheels are back on the track.


[after Donald and Douglas crash into a cartload of hay]
Donald: Stop being pushy!
Douglas: Don't call me "pushy"!
Donald: You shouldn't have pushed me into the cart!
Douglas: You pulled me, you mean!
Donald: Didnae! / Didn't!
Douglas: Did!
Donald: Did not!
Douglas: Did too!

Donald: May I go, sir?
The Fat Controller: I only need one engine. Not two.
Donald: I am only one engine, sir. And I would like to work with Duck.
Narrator: The Fat Controller was surprised but agreed.
Thomas: Won't you miss one another? I know I'd miss Annie and Clarabel.
Douglas: I'll work better on my own!
Donald: I have work to do.

Donald: Did you shunt those trucks onto the other line?
Duck: You said you wanted them on the other line!
Donald: Not that other line! The other, other line! Douglas would've known what I meant.

[after Donald is pulled back onto the tracks]
Donald: Thank you and... I'm sorry.
Douglas: No! I'm sorry!
Donald: I'm sorry!
Duck: You don't have to have a row! Just be glad you're back together.
Narrator: And they were.

In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Albanian Probleme binjakesh
Chinese Mandarin 麻烦的双胞胎
Czech Velké potíže
Danish Tvillingerne
Dutch Problemen komen met z'n tweeën
Finnish Tuplapulma
French Problèmes de jumeaux
Hungarian Ikerviszály
Italian Due gemelle litigarelle
Japanese ふたごのけんか
Korean 화가 난 쌍둥이
Latin American Spanish Problemas de gemelos
Norwegian Tvillingtrøbbel
Polish Podwójne kłopoty
Romanian Probleme gemene
Russian Двойная проблема
Serbian Problem sa blizancima
Slovenian Težave dvojčkov
Swedish Tvillingtrubbel
Welsh Dwbl Trwbl


Home Video Releases


UK DVD Packs



  • James and the Red Balloon and Other Thomas Adventures
  • Engine Friends



AUS DVD Boxsets












