Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
Thomas & Friends

“Early days, sir. Early days.”
― Winston's catchphrase[src]

Winston is Sir Topham Hatt's red rail inspection car and his primary mode of transportation on the North Western Railway.


Thomas was working with Annie and Clarabel when, whilst waiting at a red signal, they heard a strange honking noise - it turned out to be Winston, who was carrying the Fat Controller. Due to the Fat Controller's lackluster driving, there was much going about to and fro before Winston managed to stop. The Fat Controller introduced Winston to Thomas as his new track inspection car before instructing the tank engine to work at the Blue Mountain Quarry whilst Paxton was under repair. After that, the Fat Controller struggled to drive Winston away, assuring Thomas's passengers that "it's early days yet," which Winston concurred with. Once Winston managed to jolt away, Thomas and his coaches decided that they liked him. A few days later, Winston came to the Blue Mountain Quarry with Sir Topham Hatt and Mr. Percival with a message for Thomas that Paxton's repairs were completed. After that, Winston once again assured the Fat Controller about "early days".

On the Fat Controller's birthday, he was to go shopping with his wife and mother, so he told Thomas to take Winston with him on his jobs to show the new arrival how to be Really Useful. After hearing Edward and Salty talk about how the Fat Controller used to take birthday rides in an open-topped carriage when he and Edward were much younger, Winston was determined to find that exact coach. Whenever Thomas stopped, Winston would leave him to look for it. After this happened thrice, Thomas made Winston travel in front of him. This ended in an accident when Thomas did not notice that Winston had slowed down. Thomas finally asked what had been going on with Winston, who told him. There, on an old siding, was the carriage. The two then brought the coach to the Sodor Steamworks to be mended as a birthday surprise for the Fat Controller. When they met up with him, they brought him to Edward and the newly-restored carriage, making the Fat Controller very sentimental and happy.

When some bumpy tracks needed repairs, The Fat Controller drove Winston every day to check on the operations, though his driving had hardly improved by this point. Winston had to do his usual routine of reminding the Fat Controller to put his brake on whenever he exited and assuring him about "early days". He also had to endure Gordon and Henry's taunts about the Fat Controller being a bad driver. Winston expressed to Percy his wishes that the Fat Controller would "learn a bit faster" or that he could go without a driver, despite Percy saying that was silly. The next time the Fat Controller forgot to put the brake on, Winston was about to remind him of it again before deciding not to, allowing him to roll down the hill and away on his own. The Fat Controller had to chase after Winston aboard Thomas. Winston was having the time of his life up until he had a near-collision with Bertie. After another near-collision with Paxton, Winston greatly regretted what he had done. Much to his relief, he luckily ran out of gas just before a collision with some trucks. The Fat Controller was cross at first, but after Winston told him that he forgotten to put on the brakes, Sir Topham Hatt realised his error and forgave Winston for his adventure. After that, Winston no longer minded the engines' laughs, happy to have the Fat Controller back in the driver's seat.

One Christmas, the Fat Controller dressed up as Santa Claus for the celebrations at Ulfstead Castle. The Earl wanted him to drive a sleigh, despite the Fat Controller's views to the contrary. To get out of the unfamiliar task of driving a sleigh, the Fat Controller took Winston to the Steamworks, getting him outfitted as a sleigh in the process. Winston did not like this at all, especially when Thomas and his coaches laughed at him. However, much to Winston's relief, the Earl did not approve, so Winston was spared the embarrassment.

From that point on to the end of the series, Winston was primarily seen when The Fat Controller comes to see his engines where there is no road nearby, often not very smoothly.


Winston is Sir Topham Hatt's track inspection vehicle, and is as devotedly thoughtful and loyal as a butler. He is willing, helpful and very patient with Sir Topham Hatt's, frankly, terrible driving skills, often reminding him that it is still "early days" whenever something goes wrong. Winston helps the Fat Controller navigate about the railway without inconveniencing any of the engines while they are going about their work. Being a car on rails, he may look unconventional. But Winston is highly tolerant, considerate, patient, sensitive to others and is only too happy to do what he can for Sir Topham Hatt, though he can, at times, become rather distracted.

Technical Details


Winston is based on a Type 4B two-seat Wickham Trolley. The Mainland Inspection Trolley shares the same basis. This type of trolley can be seen at Swindon Steam Museum, Mangapps Farm Railway and Chasewater Railway.


Winston is painted two-tone red with a black frame and wheels. He has brass hinges, a brass horn, silver headlights, and a beige boot cover. He has a brass nameplate on either side.



Magazine Stories

Video Games

Official Description

From Official Website:[1]

Winston: Winston is Sir Topham Hatt's track inspection vehicle - a car on the rails! Winston is willing, loyal, helpful and very thoughtful.

Fun Fact: Winston is sensitive enough never to draw attention to the fact that Sir Topham Hatt is a terrible driver. He is based on a Wickham 4B Trolley Car.

Audio Files


First used Last used Sound Effect
Blue Mountain Mystery Series 24


  • Winston differs from his basis in a few ways, such as:
    • He has doors whereas his basis does not.
    • He has horns mounted on his sides.
    • He appears to be much longer than his basis.
    • His front is taller than his basis to accommodate his face.
    • He has different side air vents than his basis does.
    • His windscreen is larger than that of his basis.
  • Winston is the smallest character in the series to run on standard gauge rails.
  • Winston bares resemblance to - and may have been inspired by - The Mainland Inspection Trolley from the magazine story The Strange Sighting!.
  • The only time Winston was depicted with his roof-covered was in the Winston's Skyline Express ride at Thomas Land (US).
  • A running gag throughout the series since his introduction is Sir Topham Hatt's inability to drive Winston without jerking him around. This gag would become the focal point of the seventeenth series episode Wayward Winston.

See Also

--- Dropped | * 1991-1994 maps only | ** 2014 map only