Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki

Woodsmen are people who work at forests and woods, such as Henry's Forest and the Whispering Woods. The jobs they perform include planting and chopping trees.


When the Sodor Wishing Tree was struck by lightning, some woodsmen arrived at Brendam Docks to save the tree. Henry, who was tasked with taking the woodsmen to the tree, decided to stop at the forest on the way to Brendam Docks. Edward told Henry about how woodsmen sometimes have to cut down trees, which led Henry to believe that the woodsmen were going to cut down the tree. As Henry was blocking the lines leading to the Wishing Tree with trucks, the woodsmen were left waiting for him at Brendam Docks. Eventually Salty took the woodsmen to the Wishing Tree, however, the lines were blocked by trucks. After Henry realised that the woodsmen were going to save the tree, he delivered all the trucks and the woodsmen cleared the branches and propped up the tree.

When Sir Topham Hatt's Shed caught on fire, some woodsmen were helping to put out the fire.


The uniform worn by some woodsmen consists of a green shirt with dark brown overalls and a beige tool belt. They wear red checkered flat caps and scarves.


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Thomas & Friends[]

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