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There have been several types of workmen seen around the Island of Sodor and abroad. Some workmen are a part of various businesses and specialise in certain jobs.

Notable Workmen[]

The following workmen have their own separate pages:

Standard Workmen[]

The Standard workmen work for the railways and other businesses around the Island of Sodor and abroad.


There are many workmen who work for the railways, such as the North Western Railway, and play an important role in the functioning of the railways. Some of the workmen's most common jobs includes cleaning, repairing and maintaining the engines, rolling stock and railway infrastructure. The workmen also carry out construction work around the railway, which involves building or repairing railway lines and structures. Whenever a crash occurs on the railway, workmen are usually called to assist. The most common locations the workmen are assigned to are the stations, shunting yards and sheds. There are also workmen who work for the roads and carry out roadwork.


The workmen's uniform consists of blue trousers, a black tie and a white shirt with a blue jacket and brown overalls over it. They wear peaked caps and hardhats that are either blue or brown. The uniform colours vary for some other workmen and for workmen abroad.

Voice Actors[]

Australian Railway Workers:

Brazilian Railway Workers:

Brendam Docks Workers:

Bridlington Goods Yard Workers:

Knapford Station Workers:

Knapford Station Yard Workers:

Knapford Yards Workers:

  • Keith Wickham (UK/US; Helping Hiro)

Railway Show Yard Workers:

  • Keith Wickham (UK/US; The Great Race)

Rail Workers:

Ulfstead Castle Workers:

Vicarstown Station Workers:

  • Kerry Shale (UK/US; Rosie is Red)
  • Nobuaki Kanemitsu (Japan; Rosie is Red)

Washdown Workers:

Wellsworth Station Workers:


Orange Uniformed Workmen[]

The Orange Uniformed Workmen work at various locations around the Island of Sodor, with the most common locations being quarries.


When some workmen were at the Clay Pits, a rockslide started, which prompted the quarry manager to raise the alarm and alert everyone to evacuate the quarry. Bill and Ben waited for the workmen to board their trucks and Ben, after waiting for the quarry manager to board his trucks, managed to evacuate the quarry along with Bill just before the rockslide started to damage the quarry.

Voice Actors[]

Dark Blue Uniformed Workmen[]

The Dark Blue Uniformed Workmen work at various locations around the Island of Sodor.


When some runaway trucks crashed into a support beam at the Coal Mines, the mines started to collapse, which prompted a miner to raise the alarm and alert everyone to evacuate the mines. Everyone evacuated the mines, except for Percy and his crew, who were under a canvas barrier which was covered by rocks due to a rockslide occurring. While Percy and his crew were safe, the miners did not realise that and the Coal Mines foreman arranged for a rescue.


The workmen's uniform consists of dark blue trousers and a white shirt with a dark blue jacket over it. They wear orange hardhats.

Specialist Quarry Workmen[]

The Specialist Quarry Workmen work at the quarries and quarry-based building sites around the Island of Sodor, such as Ffarquhar Quarry.


Toby usually picks up some quarry workmen in Henrietta and takes them from Knapford to Ffarquhar Quarry and vice versa. When Philip challenged Toby to a race, Toby was unsure and mentioned that his passengers might not like it if he raced. The workmen, who were the passengers, heard this and encouraged Toby to have a race, to which he agreed.


The workmen's uniform consists of a white shirt with a grey jacket over it and an orange hardhat. They wear grey overalls with a circular logo of some tools on the front of them.

Voice Actors[]


Specialist Dock Workmen[]

The Specialist Dock Workmen work at the docks and harbours around the Island of Sodor, such as Brendam Docks or Arlesburgh Harbour.


The workmen's uniform consists of a grey shirt with a light blue-grey jacket over it and an orange hardhat. They wear blue overalls with a circular logo of a ship on the front of them.

Voice Actors[]

Arlesburgh Harbour Workmen:

Brendam Docks Workmen:

Sodor Steamworks Workmen[]

The Sodor Steamworks Workmen work at the Sodor Steamworks, performing various jobs.


A Sodor Steamworks workman's uniform consists of a black tie, a white shirt, a blue jacket and a blue peaked cap. The workmen wear grey overalls with the logo of the Sodor Steamworks on the front of them.

Voice Actors[]

Vicarstown Dieselworks Workmen[]

The Vicarstown Dieselworks Workmen work at the Vicarstown Dieselworks, performing various jobs.


A Vicarstown Dieselworks workman's uniform consists of dark yellow trousers, a grey shirt and a dark yellow jacket with the logo of the Vicarstown Dieselworks on the front of it. The workmen wear either black or dark blue hardhats.

Voice Actors[]

Sodor Search and Rescue Centre Workmen[]

The Sodor Search and Rescue Centre Workmen work at the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre, performing various jobs, such as helping out with rescues.


A Sodor Search and Rescue Centre workman's uniform consists of a white shirt, a dark yellow jacket and a red hardhat. The workmen wear red overalls with the logo of the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre on the front of them.

Voice Actors[]

The Steelworks Workmen[]

The Steelworks Workmen work at the Steelworks on the Mainland, performing various jobs.


A Steelworks workman's uniform consists of maroon trousers, a white shirt and a maroon jacket with the logo of the Steelworks on it. The workmen wear either a red peaked cap or a grey hardhat.

Voice Actors[]

  • Keith Wickham (UK/US; Journey Beyond Sodor)
  • Steven Kynman (UK/US; Journey Beyond Sodor)
  • Kenta Miyake (Japan; Journey Beyond Sodor)
  • Yuta Odagaki (Japan; Journey Beyond Sodor)
  • Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Japan; Journey Beyond Sodor)
  • Kozo Dozaka (Japan; Journey Beyond Sodor)

