Thomas the Tank Engine Wiki
This article is about the Dutch DVD. You may be looking for the episode or the magazine story.

Wrong Road and Three Other Adventures (Dutch: De verkeerde weg en drie andere avonturen) is a Dutch sampler DVD featuring two first series and two second series episodes narrated by Erik de Zwart.


  1. De verkeerde weg (Wrong Road)
  2. Pluizige beer (Woolly Bear)
  3. De trein van Thomas (Thomas' Train)
  4. James en de personenwagons (James and the Coaches)


  • This DVD was given out as a promotion at Super de Boer stores where you got a free DVD if you bought a certain amount of eligible items. The promotion first ran for two weeks in 2004 and had a second run in 2005 that lasted six weeks.
  • This is the only Dutch home video release to feature the episodes Wrong Road and Woolly Bear.
  • The front cover and disc feature an image from Thomas and Trevor.


