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"I'm trying my hardest!"
― Gordon and Toby

You Can Do It, Toby! is the twenty-second episode of the eighth series.


Toby is pulling milk tankers up Gordon's Hill and is taking it nice and slowly. However, when Gordon climbs up his hill with the express, he gets stuck halfway up due to the train's heavy weight. Edward comes in as his back engine, but when Gordon reaches the top, he snubs Toby for being too slow before retorting that Toby is not a proper engine, hurting his feelings. That evening, the Fat Controller tells Toby that, as Edward is required at Brendam the following day, he must look after Wellsworth Yard in his place, which worries Toby, as he does not feel like a proper engine.

The next morning, Toby leaves Arlesdale End feeling rather nervous, hoping that he will not be needed to help an engine up Gordon's Hill. At Wellsworth, to his dismay, there are many trucks to be shunted into three trains for Henry, Donald and Douglas. Toby is uncertain that he can do this, but Thomas encourages him. So Toby carries out the shunting work full of confidence. Just as Toby finishes the shunting, Gordon passes by with the express, but just like the day before, Gordon gets stuck halfway up the hill again, to his annoyance. So his guard telephones the yard manager, who calls Toby to be his back engine. But Toby is nervous again, so Thomas encourages him once more and Toby sets off.

Gordon is not pleased to hear that Toby is coming as he considers him not a "proper engine". Toby buffers up and pushes as hard as he can, but Gordon and his train do not move a wheel. A furious Gordon insults Toby even more thinking that was all Toby was capable of. Just as he is about to give up, Toby remembers Thomas' words of encouragement and buffers up again. This time, Toby gives every ounce of steam he has and the train starts to move. Toby keeps on going up Gordon's Hill and even Percy encourages him as he passes by going downhill. Once at the summit, Gordon is surprised and very impressed with Toby, who is tired but very happy, and makes the express run on time. That night back in his own shed, Toby is visited by the Fat Controller, who tells him that he was really useful. With that, Toby feels like a proper engine once more.





  • When Gordon gets stuck on his hill for the first time, a thin wire is visible when letting off steam.
  • When Edward starts pushing Gordon up the hill, a wire is visible under him.
  • In the beginning, Toby starts moving up the hill, but in the next shot from behind, he is set back. Additionally, Toby is not seen when Gordon suddenly starts to climb the hill.
  • When Toby, Gordon and Edward reach the top of the hill, Gordon's tender is lifted off the track.
  • In part of the episode, steam vents too far from Gordon.
  • Toby's steam platform is visible when he goes back to try and push Gordon a second time and it is seen again when Toby starts to push Gordon up the hill.
  • In the French dub, the narrator referred to Donald and Douglas with wrong names, where Donald was referred to as "Ronald", and Douglas was referred to as "Jake".


In Other Languages

View content
Language Title
Chinese Mandarin 你做得到 托比
Croatian Možeš ti to Bruno!
Czech Ty to dokážeš Toby
Danish Du kan godt, Toby
Dutch Toby, je kan het
Finnish Pärjäät Kyllä, Topi
French Toby Fait Des Efforts
German Du schaffst das, Toby!
Hebrew !אתה מסוגל, טובי
Hungarian Képes Vagy Rá Toby
Italian Puoi Farcela Toby!
Japanese トビー、きみならできるよ
Korean 토비, 힘내!
Latin American Spanish ¡Tú Puedes, Toby!
Norwegian Du kan klare det, Toby
Polish Dasz radę, Tobiku!
Portuguese Você é capaz, Toby!
Romanian Nu te Lăsa, Toby!
Russian Ты сможешь, Тоби
Scottish Gaelic Tobaidh Feumail
Spanish Puedes Hacerlo Toby
Swedish Du klarar det Toby!

Home Media Releases


DVD Boxsets


  • The Complete Series 8

DVD Packs



  • It's Great to be an Engine! (Direct-to-Home Video)

DVD Boxsets


DVD Boxsets





DVD Packs



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DVD Boxsets





